German Sport University Cologne

14.04.14 / Uncategorized / Author:
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Optimal preparation in swimming, gymnastics and track and field is absolutely necessary. The German sports University in Cologne is the only University in Germany, is offered exclusively a sport study. It therefore attracts sport students from around the world, which would later become professionally involved in the field of sport. The career aspirations go to the sports Manager of a sports club from the instructor about coach. Sports studies at the Spoho can start but only who has passed the Sports fitness test and can present the appropriate school grade. The media have reported in detail about this sport aptitude test on the DSHS in the past few years. The fitness test was described as “The hardest exam of the world”.

What is true of this superlative and what is just a typical media exaggeration? Fact is that in every appointment only less than half of the participants the sport aptitude test. However, the question is whether the test is so difficult, or the candidates are so bad. That is the record of the years 2009 to 2012 (Flunked in %): sports aptitude test DSHS KoLN 2009 2012 date participants failed Feb 09 1,480 53% Jun 09 1,820 65% Feb 10 1,476 64% may 10 1,658 56% Feb 11 1.361 57% Jun 11 1,761 53% Feb 12 1,328 58% may 12 1,465 51% (without header) (source: German sport University, % values up and rounded off) the Faculty of sports College which is also auditor in the sports suitability test, often claim that the SPOHO Sports Fitness check the level of the German sports badge. That’s not entirely true, because there no one has to cope with so many disciplines in one day like in the DSHS review. So, what are the performance requirements of this qualification tests of the German sport University in Cologne? Athletics discipline number of attempts required performance minimum women requested performance minimum men 100 m Sprint 1 15.5 13.4 sec high jump 1.40 m 3 1.20 m shot put 3 6.75 m with 4 kg 7.60 m with 7.25 kg 2000 m race 1 10.00 min 3000 m race 1 13.00 min here are training videos to the LA disciplines:

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