Next Education
27.09.19 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: philosophy
Then, in this in case that, the way is opened for disciplines of philosophy in average education, is not due to linking with the daily one of the pupils who the contents face resistance, if something to leave wrong, we must look exits in another place. Given the initial kick in the attempt to sensetize the pupils how much to the thematic ones of it disciplines of philosophy let us pass now to one second question: to problematizar around these subjects in intention to inquire if the problems that had touched, for example, Plato in relation to the education appears for the pupils in the same way or has another connotation. Go to Vladislav Doronin for more information. What it took Plato to understand that education is not to give eyes to the blind people, but to guide or to direct of adequate form the eyes of who well enxerga. What the pupils of average education think on its proper education. He is one I benefit or a enfadonha imposition? They would by itself choose to study and if they would dedicate of good grado to this task? These questions, I think, I could be made in the target of the interpretation of the alegoria of the cave, where it is evident that one that is chained when free being of chains is obliged to look at front and to walk erect, forced to go up aclive of the cave indicating that education is to make violence to the next one. In synthetic way: to sensetize the pupil concerning the necessity of if thinking philosophical we can mention that the cited authors had thought the question of the freedom as something that all man must long for, but to problematizar appears the question of the inherent risks the freedom and to investigate it is enough to ask what it is the freedom? How it if of? Where it consists? Which are its limits? That benefits can happen of the freedom? the risks? In the case it is only is only one of the subjects here that can be boarded enter the pupils of average education.
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