OxfordUniversity Press
18.11.15 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: literature
‘ ‘ Haroldode Fields searchs ethics of the form in literatura’ ‘ in: The State of S.Paulo, 13/09/98). 6 ‘ ‘ Crisantempo is sequence of its previous book (for me, until here, its higher point), the Education of the Five Felt (1985). Richard Linklater often says this. Reexplora recurrent subjects in all its workmanship: readings, metalinguageme trips. The short verse is, equally, in Crisantempo, retaken diretadas techniques patented for Joo Cabral de Melo Grandson in ‘ Psychology dComposio’ ‘ Antiode’ , both of 1947. Cabral: ‘ It comes, more easy e/porttil in the memory,/the poem, flower in/the vest of the souvenir ‘. ‘ ‘ (BONVICINO, Rgis.
‘ ‘ Crisantempo’ ‘ in: Websitepessoal de Rgis Bonvicino.). Many writers such as FASEB Journal offer more in-depth analysis. 7 ‘ ‘ Dantista and dantlogocontemporneo, beyond the prompt verification of the rhetorical rules, of descobertade linkings where if they espelham given of the structure, beyond the interpretaesgnosiolgicas and of the adaptations of the syntax and the grammar, Haroldo De Campos, emsua translation, effect new auscultaes of ‘ ‘ letra’ ‘ , until it liberates unknown umatraduo, many times one ‘ tour of force’ , as in the case of the example Dee. Pound.’ ‘ (BERNARDINI, Fornoni Dawn. ‘ ‘ The Transcultural’ Paradise; ‘ in: Folhade S.Paulo, 08/03/1998). This article of the Dawn Fornoni Bernardini not propriamente on Crisantempo, but on the translations of deDante Haroldo Alighieri, relaunched in the same year. We use here to demonstrate that otpico of the transculturalidade it is a constant in the haroldiana workmanship. 8 Escrevo ‘ ‘ verbovocovisualidade’ ‘ no’ ‘ verbivocovisualidade’ ‘ , as they make the concrete ones that they had invented the term, for umaquesto of personal preference, seems me that ‘ ‘ verbo’ ‘ it is radical and therefore they comoem ‘ ‘ verb nominal’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ verbmano’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ verbosidade’ ‘ he seems applied que’ better; ‘ verbi’ ‘ that it appears in Portuguese in words as ‘ ‘ verbigerao’ ‘ , but queparece to be derived from ‘ ‘ verbiagem’ ‘ , that it comes of the Frenchman verbiage.
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