The Learning Process
25.03.15 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: education
As Bossa (2007) this term mentions to it the application of psychology to the pedagogia, establishing connection itself it several others interdisciplinares that they compose its theoretical referencial for prevention and correction of its object of study the learning human being in its normal and pathological states, as well as the influence of the way as: family, school, society in its development. The Psicopedagogia if has constituted in the privileged space to think on the teach-learning questions. Being thus, she is closely on to the act to play, as knowledge source. By means of proper techniques and methods psicopedagogo makes possible a psicopedaggica intervention aiming at to the solution of learning problems. The process of learning of the child is understood as a more including process, implying component of some axles of estruturao as affectivity, cognitivo, social, cultural, among others. The learning process, as well as its difficulties, leaves to only focus the pupil and the professor separately and passes to be seen as a process of interactions between both the parts with innumerable variations that they need to be apprehended with sufficient care for the professor and psicopedagogo. Being thus, it is possible to evidence that one of the forms of psicopedaggico work is making use of the playful one, wants either in the diagnosis, or the treatment.
Then, according to Bossa (2007, P. 31) ‘ ‘ in this work to teach to learn, psicopedagogo appeals the disgnostic criteria in the direction to understand the imperfection in the learning … ‘ ‘ this being a clinical work with its objective of prevention of the learning problems, thus in the diagnosis, the playful activity is a rich instrument of clinical inquiry, therefore it allows the citizen to express itself freely, through the action of the act to play, the child it constructs to a space between the reality and the imagination.
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