10.02.13 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
This decision relates to the needs of the labour markets of the countries of origin of the students. The truth. that this reality of emigration in search of academic preparation in foreign countries, should be of interest to study the State of those responsible for education, in order to provide feedback, which is the reality of education, its level, which currently offer national universities, whether public, private, should be paid much attention, seriousness to curricula, profiles of professionals, academic excellence that should be the universities, all this in order to train professionals competitive, capable of bringing about the necessary changes in disciplines that are offered. Not be can follow squandering public universities budgets, if they are not achieved the objectives that are expected, as is the count with professionals trained according to the requirements of the present. Cannot be wasted talent, opportunities that are generated when there are changes, challenges that require professionals capable, willing to collaborate with their knowledge for the development of the country. Of course, we do not oppose persons who may economicamte defray costs do, if for example, they considered that education level is higher than that the country offers, or if you acquire knowledge that still the country of origin does not have and which are required.
If such a change, actually generates personal and professional growth, the interesting thing is Sue, national universities offer programs of height, competitive, able to guarantee knowledge favouring the student towards its realization. Eng. industrial, lawyer. EGADE (ITESM); UC, University of Chile. Postgraduate master’s degrees in administration of companies mention markets, human resources; Quality and productivity; PhD holder Educacionprofesor retired and researcher education Faces UC graduate Area. Coordinator graduate management quality and productivity program, Faces, UC consultant – business advisory Deproimcacatedras international trade; Marketing, organizational behavior, management topics..
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