Young Adult
29.01.14 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: you emend
The learning already is an involving process by its very nature, for being a professor of the EJA demands a bigger interaction, understanding and receptividade the expectations of the pupils. Therefore, the availability if makes necessary, because many times we come across in them mediating conflicts and restoring auto-they esteem of these educandos. In the profession that we exert, we have that to be prepared to deal with chamber pressures. For example, it will be that we are going to the meeting the necessities of ours educating? Why of the evasions? Answers that can be found through an auto-evaluation made by the educator in relation its you practise developed in classroom. To work with Young Adult requires an organization and planejamentos of the contents, therefore the same ones must be based on the capacity to take decisions aiming at all the complexity of the educational process. So that let us have success in our professional activities we enumerate abilities, which can improve our pedagogical actions: good communication, interpersonal relationship and leadership, this make possible the development of one to make pedagogical coherent the necessity of these educandos. The profile of the professor of the EJA is very important for the success of the pupil who sees the professor as a model to follow.
Amongst the attributions of the professor it is the commitment in showing that the EJA is an education possible and capable significantly to change the life of a person, allowing to this, rewriting its history. Also, to better understand the pupil and its daily reality, believing the possibilities of the human being, searching its personal and professional growth. Consideraes final Education of Young and Adultos (EJA) is a modality specifies of the basic education that if destines the pertaining to school inclusion of a public who, by diverse reasons had been excluded from the education during its infancy or adolescence.
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