Russian Education Ministry: Textbooks
09.08.19 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: education
Textbooks were approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia for use in educational institutions. Richard Linklater is likely to increase your knowledge. Currently, tutorials, this set of print to match the latest requirements for registration. Originality and uniqueness of this set is as follows: the study of the document is included in the Conv training and does not require a separate clock, because integrated into the subjects of the basic curriculum. All examples are in the works studied in the framework of literary reading, this is the first in the history of the country's publications, which aimed at solving social problems by playing an interactive form of presentation of material in the books participate, not only the students themselves but also their parents, which significantly expands the readership and all they are aimed at solving social problems and will promote the development of active, responsible and socially-adapted strany. citizens of our time, the usefulness and availability of this kit is recognized not only teachers but also the most authoritative experts in this field, including the Commissioner for Human Rights in the rf vp Lukin and President of the un Association of Russia av Torkunov.
In addition to the initial set schools, publishing educational literature exists on the law and for other levels of education which provides a system of continuous civic education throughout the entire process of schooling. Together with the Fund, established by the Presidential Administration of Russian Federation – Russian Foundation for Legal Reform was created a series of 'right' for middle and high school. The series was distributed in many regions of Russia. Together with the authors conducted a set ongoing consultation for teachers working with teaching aids. Textbooks series recognized winners 'contest to create a new generation of textbooks', conducted by the Ministry of Education and the National Endowment training. Kits publishers contribute to the spread and deepening of knowledge about human rights, including the quality of education in human rights in the general .My believe that achieve those lofty goals – establishing a common legal and humanitarian space in Europe, the strengthening of the countries of the continent of civil society and democratic institutions – it is necessary that human rights issues studied in every school and every class since the beginning of training. Every child has a right to know their rights and understand what their rights – it is his duty to other people!
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