
28.06.14 / Uncategorized / Author:
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In Africa, was allowed to shoot elephants, on Sakhalin Island – Bears In South Africa, from May 1 lifted a moratorium on shooting elephants, which operated for 13 years. As claimed by supporters of the measure, during which time the number of elephants has more than doubled, from eight to 18 thousand, and now the elephants destroy crops, destroy buildings, spread the infection among cattle, because the fence corrals can not stop them. However, according to the order of the government, the killing of animals should be considered only as a last resort when regulation of their numbers. In South Africa shooting elephants is done with helicopters, one shot in the head, killing once the entire family group apart from other animals. Meanwhile, animal rights groups sharply criticized decision to abolish the moratorium and the proposed method is compared with the genocide.

They intend to sue, and to convince tourists not to travel to the country and fans – from going to the World Cup football since 2010, which will be held in South Africa. And on May 1 Sakhalin opened spring hunting season for brown bear. Results in the Sakhalin region during the spring hunting is allowed to get 30 individuals bear. Hunting will last for months. The license price that allows shooting of a bear – 3000 rubles. On Sakhalin, to date there are about 3.2 thousand bears, their age limit – 27-30 years. Last year, four registered in Sakhalin attacks of bears on people, including two deaths.

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