Don Miguel
30.11.12 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: the news
By far, with resol reverberante of that one vague and probably nonexistent hour, I did not recognize soon its proprietors when they appeared. Already is those commented Adares, without no special affectation. Who are? I asked, spurred by an unusual curiosity in me. the directors answered Torrent. What directors? Those of the University.
Which are going to be? Then Don Miguel and Antoito Tovar. They are always discussing. The one that discusses is Unamuno emphasized Remigio Gonzlez. Tovar differs, but it does in another tone. Note immediately that is not poet. Both old woman college students, other people’s to our presence, were come near to where we were. In spite of his greater proximity, he did not manage to understand to them. Torrent realized my perplexity and smiled with a little socarronera: Hablan in Basque said.
Before the pair of professors arrived until us, Don Gonzalo put to me abreast of which Unamuno was euskaldn, that is to say, vascohablante. And that Tovar Antoito, called to him, with a strange familiarity, although been born in Valladolid and resident in Salamanca during the friolera from twenty-two years, it knew the euskera perfectly. It has not read his Mythology on the Basque language? I recognized to him honestly that no, that was not a subject of my interest. Good. It is not either that it attracts too much to me. For that reason those two go giving all the short while palique, to practice. Don Miguel is scared of which in a pair of centuries it does not dominate his maternal language already as well as now. It says that has happened to him with Danish him, because of not using it. Both alluded they finished arriving where we, although followed without paying attention to us.
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