State University
13.07.15 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: literature
In this period, I knew a girl who the principle I thought to be imaginary, it only appeared when all my colleagues and professors leave the school, together we played to give to lesson for all the morning, in the future I we would understand what those vises represented. Since small it admired the intelligence and effort of my Nubinha cousin, who already had concluded the course of Pedagogia in the State University of the Bahia – UNEB – and was, or better, continues being an excellent teacher, having its services high valuation in the schools of the bahian interior. While it started to discover my ambition for knowledge, I also noticed that Rick it was the opposite, only thought in sprees and women, and as to if exteriorizar the people highly they are influenced by the modismo, it did not delay very until that idea – sprees and women – also occupied mine mente.6. Chapter V – My first paixoNa first series, new ideas assumed the control of my habits, and already in a new school, I knew a girl called Melania, what everything indicates to have been my first passion, was a pure and attached feeling the will to protect it of the bad things that I started to discover that they existed. Many think that a child cannot get passionate itself, but as great Freud psychologist explains, in the first years of life the boys if get passionate for the mother and the girls for the parents, this occur reason act for its human instincts, not being still socially limited the prohibitions that they force inthe majority of the case the resignation to the instinctive will. Freud still explains that the feeling targets change for the brothers or cousins to the first ones to unclasp of the familiar relations, until reach white is of family, as work and leisure, schoolmates.
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