02.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Education
Tags: government and politics
Nowadays, Brazil not only lives a moment of crisis in the education in the schools, but also inside of house and in virtue of this the necessary government urgently to take care of of this aspect that is basic for the growth and development of the country. In the schools education total is consumed since the pupils not if they interest you discipline for them and nor to learn the lecionado content and the result is serious which not only generates professional disqualification and violence in the schools, but in all the places. The problem of the violence in the schools comes increasing to each day tying any existing punishment. The professors are threatened, attacked constantly in a society total disarticulated and of ' ' hands atadas' ' for this problem. With this, it comes increasing the consumption of drugs, violence, prostitution that each time more increases instead of diminishing. Bullyng is practical other used in the schools frequently to intimidate or to attack physically or psychologically individuals which increase the number of aggressors rebelled victims where she generates a vicious circle and that many times the end point is the death. The fact is that the education is main the responsible one, or better, the lack of it causes these upheavals in our society that lives with other people’s fear and to these problems. The responsible government for these lamentable events is not alone, since the education in house leaves to desire and the parents transfer the responsibility to the schools and vice he turns and instead of solving these questions, increases the problem more each time. The crisis of the education is generalized by all country nobody is pronounced nor decides nothing until arriving to a point where it will not have solution and it goes to remain the concern, the desperation and nothing could be fact, if not yet we arrive in this point is very close to this sad reality..