
21.01.14 / Uncategorized / Author:

Valdecabras is a quiet town in the interior of the conquense mountainous area, located at the end of the sickle of the River Valdecabras. Its origin is medieval, still retains some scraps of rural architecture, in addition to his austere and beautiful church. It is well connected with basin and nearby towns. Nearby no shortage of unusual places where to practice various activities: hiking, mountaineering, climbing, canoeing forests and rivers are found in a pure State. The birth of the Crow River, El Hosquillo, the Ciudad Encantada, Beteta Hoz, Callejones in las Majadas are places that travelers can not miss. Few places, are even though within the conquense mountainous area they were not infrequent. The Serrania de Cuenca is a set of mountain ranges that form the western foothills of the montes universal, a complex mountainous structure of sajonico style and limestone rocks resting on a Paleozoic socket. Wind and water erosion have generated in this space picturesque forms of relief, as that can be seen in the natural park enchanted city, where differential erosion of the limestone has given rise to the emergence of a lapiaz (or throttles), as well as sickles and torcas that confer uniqueness to the landscape.

The hydrographic system is marked by the endorheic and a few rivers which like del Cabriel, flow in the Jucar, which presents a flow and one sufficient slope to fit into the limestones and marls muntzing, while others run through the southwest of the province, towards the Guadiana, and others to the North, as the Guadiela, which poured its waters to the Tagus. The climate is cold and damp in the mountainous country. The average yearly temperature is 9.5 c in mountainous areas. The rainfall varies between 550 and 600 mm annually. Vegetation is important and they dominate the oak, the gall oak, the Juniper, Juniper, Scots pine, Aleppo Pine, and, on the banks of the watercourses, poplars, willows, ELMS and Alders La Serrania, constitutes a forest space (cluster pine) and livestock (sheep transhumance), with a great wealth of hydroelectric and medicinal mineral waters. The habitat is concentrated in small road villages with a path arranged around the Church, as Valsalobre, Villalba de la Sierra, Tragacete, Valdecabras, Salinas del Manzano or Landete; they are lands characterized by emigration, with population densities below the 6 inhabitants per km2. The exception is Cuenca, the capital, which in 2005 had more than 60,000 inhabitants living in a city that originated on the Hill of San Cristobal, limy spur wrought by the rivers Jucar and Huecar. BRIEF history of basin: Its strategic situation aroused the interest of many civilizations of the past.

Remains of the Paleolithic (cave paintings of Boniches and smoke Villar) and others that reveal the presence of Carthaginians, Romans (Valeria and Segobriga), Visigoths (Ercavica and Reccopolis), Muslim (Santaver) and Christian Alfonso VIII granted the order of Santiago the remodelling of Ucles, where They later established its headquarters, and basin the so-called code of freedom throughout its history. The province of Cuenca has been the homeland of such illustrious figures as alvarez Gil de Albornoz, alvaro de Luna, Hernando de Alarcon, Alonso de Ojeda and fray Luis de Leon. Surface, 17.061 km2; population (estimates for 1995), 207.499 inhabitants. PILLAR RESTING VALDECABRAS. Original author and source of the article

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