05.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: summaries and summaries
Contacts p lectures, Tel. (21) 83771359. Email josielpontesenfermeiropsf@ summary Food, widely known any substance introduced into the body suits your nutrition. The human body regardless of acts needs the nutrients from various food sources, you approach the maximum nutritional homeostasis. Justified the making of this article you be relatively unexplored subject in education and in to order that educators have direct contact with children, adolescents and parents, can get guaranteed success will be supporters you build good and healthy practice food. This article will bring contributions will be educators and academics who want information on the subject, you conduct research you address the issue above.
Aiming you meet the proposed objective, this scientific production, it is an exploratory qualitative approach and technical literature Educators of any instructions published or private, can directly influence the diet of his pupils, informing them about the importance of good nutrition will be disease prevention. The content of the research portrays important dates and sufficient will be good starting point related you knowledge about healthy eating will be children and adolescents. Keywords: eating habits, nutrition and child' nutritional s needs. It is not something film director would like to discuss. resumen Foods, ampliamente conocido as it joins introducida sustancia en el cuerpo if adapte su nutricin. Of su edad independientemente necesita El cuerpo human nutrient los of fuentes of diverse foods, for acercarse the there homeostasis maximum nutricional. Subject justifies realizacin of this there articulates to be un there explored well en educacin y con el end of that los educators tienen un direct contact con nios, adolescent y family priests, puede to obtain el xito garantizado for partisan los woollen construccin of prcticas buenas y saludables los foods. En this I articulate will llevar contribuciones for los acadmicos educators y who deseen informacin on el subject, to carry through investigaciones to approach el previous problem. Objective Con el of alcanzar el objective propuesto, this produccin scientific, you are joins aproximacin exploratoria cualitativa y Educators technician literature of all wools instrucciones published the private ones, pueden to influence en diet of sus directamente there alumnos, informndoles on importance of joins buena there nutricin for there prevencin of enfermedades.
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