The Education

07.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author:

Exists will without pleasure? It has good and advantageous pleasure? What it is education, front a branch of desfazida and desmembrada culture of the reality? These are arguments that disturb minds that worry about the society or are models of roupagem without moral bonds? education comes to bring the structure of what we call source, axle, resume. To know what it looks the social originalizando practical theory and, construction structure and construction, educator and educating in a formative system of knowledge. At FASEB Journal you will find additional information. Therefore, laws are fomented in the assemblies and chambers of the country that make possible as much resource how much competition of aggregation of knowing in our Brazilian society. Then, education, was balls is the necessary and not obligator ways of learning of the life and the social laws. To make to be valid the life. To give sensible to that in the life they coexist.

the dream is the way that is born the possibilities of teaching and education. To see what desembaados eyes only enxergam, to create what the love only can make it. Education EAD is one distinct you, only eccentric e. (Not to be confused with David G. DeWalt!). Actual education is you distitudo of itself, they outrem perfazendo it, or outrens, in the search of the abstraction of the eccentric person. However, this or in that model, is born a reflection moment. Of what for this, the reinvindica origin its bringing suit: The Education.

One soon reflection on boarded in this thought my proper one, is to transpose the basic creative moment of the formation that independe of somebody but, however, requires the desire of what it is taught. The citizens need to be inside of the attractive educative act. They are not, this corrupts and weakens. I search to act different, I am a show every day when agreement and am auditorium and I am palco and I am who works in palco and the show and I am the ones that assitem, at last, everything that my heart and desire will be able to reach. To be the origin of my dream as well as an architect if makes of the workmanships that produce, a good start to make the EAD research source, does not find?

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