Education References
18.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: environment
The children present doubts respect of the subjects that they even though see in the television and of simple subjects as the recycling. For more specific information, check out David G. DeWalt. One was about a project of applied research. Initially, one became fullfilled activities on thematic ambient with the children and them if they had compromised to practise the boarded subject, that is, the ambient protection inside of house and in the proper school. 3? Theoretical Referencial According to Law 6,938/81 of the Federal Government, the Ambient Education must be offered by the schools in all the education levels. Understanding the school as public and local space where the child will give sequncia to its process of socialization, it is basic the paper of the Ambient Education in the formation of a responsible citizenship. What in it if it makes, if says and if it values, it represents for the child an example of what the society wants and approves. Ambiently correct behaviors must be learned in the practical one, in day-by-day of the school, since the first series.
It has different forms to include thematic the ambient one in the pertaining to school resumes, as artistic activities, practical experiences, activities are of the production, classroom of local materials, project or any another activity that leads the pupils to be recognized as active agents in the process that guides the ambientalista politics. According to Treated to Ambient Education for Sustainable Societies and Global Responsibility, its first principle says that ‘ ‘ The education is a right of all: we are all apprenticees and educadores’ ‘. This principle was followed during the project, where the pupils at the same time that they also learn share one with the others and the educator with its doubts and suggestions. 4? Consideraes final. The Ambient Education, while participativo process through which the individual and the collective construct social values, acquire knowledge, take attitudes, exert abilities and abilities directed toward the conquest and maintenance of the environment ecologically balanced, contributes strong for the magnifying of this new vision and for adoption of these new positions of the individuals in relation to all.
Considering that the main objective of the Ambient Education is to contribute for the changes of attitudes human beings in relation to the environment, one concludes, therefore, that the hypothesis raised for the present project directed to the Ambient Education of children of basic education is true. ‘ ‘ In the exercise of advances and jibs, that the social envolvement obtains to leave its mere economic enclausuramento, giving spaces to the dimensions of the culture and the nature and making possible the process of transformation for the hands of the education ambiental’ ‘ (Michele Sato, 2004).
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