
28.07.19 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on University

This effectiveness can arrive 80% more than or reduction of the polluting load of the sewers of the residences, and it does not require at least a system of collection of sewers, that is exactly the part most onerous of a system of collection and treatment of sewers. For being a system that to the times badly is conceived, constructed, installed and operated (therefore also it requires a maintenance, even though simple and infrequente), finishes being had as bad example of a system of basic sanitation, when the opposite is truth. Fossas individual can very deal with the sanitary sewers well residences, using little space, and with baixssimo cost, if compared with the proportional cost of great systems sanitation, involving systems of collection and ETEs. Fossas communitarian and biorreatores can take care of the great number of next residences, and until simultaneously supplying to gas kitchens of day-care centers of the quarter or schools. We have good diverse examples in Petrpolis and other cities in Brazil and the whole world. The problems of fossas, of construction or maintenance, also occur in great ETEs, many of which operate very below of the original specifications for its performance, and many times with performance well below of the one of simple, however an efficient one, residential or communitarian system of fossa. Kindle Direct Publishing has much to offer in this field.

On the other hand, the mere removal of the sanitary sewers, through systems of it collects better, even though of what having black ditches the opened sky, still is far from deciding the problem of the sanitary sewers and the consequent pollution in the eventual places of discarding, as rivers, lakes or coastal areas. Fossas residential of low cost, light materials, and easy installation, offers efficient and efficient systems very (taking in account the cost and the performance). Good part of the residential maintenance of one fossa can be carried through by the proper inhabitants, and taking care of to prevent the ousting of chemical products in excess, that could harm the biological functioning of this system, is generally enough to guarantee a good functioning. Very infrequentemente, fossas can need esvaziamento for proper trucks, but nowadays already many natural biological products exist (biological remediadores, in the definition of the norms of the CONAMA), that, if added fossas regularly, they guarantee its good functioning, keeping one biota more efficient and resistant, and reducing the accumulation of silt in deep. Although the natural interest of engineering for great workmanships and projects, is important to recognize that fossas represents a viable alternative, for a system of basic sanitation, and that in many situations they can be a solution much more adjusted, of fast implementation, low cost, and proven effectiveness, in the treatment of sanitary sewers of residences and communities. It is an injustice to tax fossas as systems undesirable, especially considering the reality of Brazil, where, on average, only 36% of the sewer generated in the cities receive some type of treatment. With my commentary, I wait that the Prof.

Pinguelli Luiz, in its future articles and commentaries, and data its prestige and the respect that its arguments command, displays the advantages and the benefits of fossas, especially in communities without collection or treatment of sewer.

Ambient Education

21.01.19 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Ambient Education

The projects concur the three prizes for category. Beyond the work of ambient education in the schools, they had been carried through, also, activities with agriculturists of the So Paulo cities of Holambra, Jaguarina, Saint Antonio de Posse and Valinhos. For this specific public the method of Diagnosis Fast Agricultural Participativo was applied. Half surveys of the social physicist and, carried through in visits the country properties of selected hidrogrficas microbasins, had been complemented by the accomplishment of meetings with the agriculturists. Kindle Direct Publishing brings even more insight to the discussion. It was made possible, thus, to define with priority subjects to be boarded in this component of the project. They had resulted in class actions directed to promote the agricultural development in sustainable bases, such as lectures, days of field and mutires (EMBRAPA Environment, 2010). From 2002, the Embrapa Environment initiated a new front of action in the scope of the ambient education. With the intention of ‘ ‘ to make what if diz’ ‘ , it emphasizes its performance in the internal scope and the exercise of the social responsibility of the institution, whose strategy is the internalizao of thematic ambient in the proper Embrapa, emphasizing itself three lines of work: ) in the internal scope, the consolidation of an institucional culture of technological development in tune with the rules of the support; b) next to the next community, assuring the full exercise of the social responsibility, according to its institucional ability; c) in the Embrapa interface/society – promoting values and practical dialgicas with the public-target of the research, sensetizing it for the new chances of insertion in a demanding market in quality, assuring the potencializao of the positive impacts of the results of the research for adoption of appropriate technologies to the ambient management of the agronegcio (EMBRAPA Environment, 2010).

FINAL CONSIDERAES the ambient education if show thematic an important one to be inserted inside of discipline of biology, therefore it shows to the pupil as to preserve the environment and to have a healthful life. Taking in consideration the cited factors above she has one necessity of a movement in such a way on the part of professors, pupils and government to be assisting in the ambient education in the biology education.

Education References

18.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Education References

The children present doubts respect of the subjects that they even though see in the television and of simple subjects as the recycling. For more specific information, check out David G. DeWalt. One was about a project of applied research. Initially, one became fullfilled activities on thematic ambient with the children and them if they had compromised to practise the boarded subject, that is, the ambient protection inside of house and in the proper school. 3? Theoretical Referencial According to Law 6,938/81 of the Federal Government, the Ambient Education must be offered by the schools in all the education levels. Understanding the school as public and local space where the child will give sequncia to its process of socialization, it is basic the paper of the Ambient Education in the formation of a responsible citizenship. What in it if it makes, if says and if it values, it represents for the child an example of what the society wants and approves. Ambiently correct behaviors must be learned in the practical one, in day-by-day of the school, since the first series.

It has different forms to include thematic the ambient one in the pertaining to school resumes, as artistic activities, practical experiences, activities are of the production, classroom of local materials, project or any another activity that leads the pupils to be recognized as active agents in the process that guides the ambientalista politics. According to Treated to Ambient Education for Sustainable Societies and Global Responsibility, its first principle says that ‘ ‘ The education is a right of all: we are all apprenticees and educadores’ ‘. This principle was followed during the project, where the pupils at the same time that they also learn share one with the others and the educator with its doubts and suggestions. 4? Consideraes final. The Ambient Education, while participativo process through which the individual and the collective construct social values, acquire knowledge, take attitudes, exert abilities and abilities directed toward the conquest and maintenance of the environment ecologically balanced, contributes strong for the magnifying of this new vision and for adoption of these new positions of the individuals in relation to all.

Considering that the main objective of the Ambient Education is to contribute for the changes of attitudes human beings in relation to the environment, one concludes, therefore, that the hypothesis raised for the present project directed to the Ambient Education of children of basic education is true. ‘ ‘ In the exercise of advances and jibs, that the social envolvement obtains to leave its mere economic enclausuramento, giving spaces to the dimensions of the culture and the nature and making possible the process of transformation for the hands of the education ambiental’ ‘ (Michele Sato, 2004).

Ambient Education

05.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Ambient Education

As Oak (1996) Apud Silveira, Marques and Guedes explains (1997 p15): The ambient education does not have to be understood as one disciplines more in the pertaining to school resume, therefore it must be present in all the stages, in all the substances, all the procedures of the educative process. The school is a privileged space for the development of actions that lead change of attitudes and behaviors, since the child and the adolescent are important agents of the spreading of new ideas and influence on the family. Since the decades of 60 and 70, the Brazilian ambient legislation has been extended, intensifying itself in the decades of 1980 and 1990 until the current days. We believe that the next step, also considered of utmost importance, is to make daily with that the principles that conduct the Ambient Education in regards to preservation and conservation of the environment in favor of the survival and maintenance of the nature are understood and practised for the individuals. To the step where the lesson was proposal stroll, the teacher sent for the parents of the pupils a questionnaire approaching referring questions to the history of the quarter/land division, to the positive and negative aspects, and on the forms to brighten up the existing problems. When being inquired on the history of the quarter, one of the parents answered that before, the locality ' ' it was a belt of coconut palms, today, casas&#039 is a quarter with many; '. As positive aspects, they had been unanimous in affirming that the place is calm and propitiates the contact with the nature; ' ' it has paz' ' , and ' ' ventilado.&#039 is sufficient; ' How much to the actions practised for the people of the quarter and that they harm the environment, the inhabitants they had commented: ' ' The people play garbage of the other side of quintal' ' ; ' ' still people without conscience exist who, exactly with the collection service, play the garbage in the streets, and the forest fires also prejudicam' ' ; ' ' she has much smoke, many forest fires of garbage that the proper inhabitants queimam' ' ; ' ' desmatamento&#039 exists; '. .

Pedagogical University

05.12.15 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Pedagogical University

This work searchs to portray aspects on the practical component that they elapse in the process of the formation of a professor of Biology for the Pedagogical University of Moambique. This important process is understood by the creation of conditions that facilitate to the practical framing of the future professor in the education process and learning, also allows to bring more tending forces the improvement of the processes of education in itself, by means of the survey of practical problems that they inside compel the brainstorming of the common sense. Practical the pedagogical ones are the way that not only takes the student to the professional improvement as professor, but, also, as educator. They are understood in plan position indicator (practical pedagogical one), PPII (practical pedagogical two, and PPIII (practical pedagogical trs), fitting it to them task to articulate and to operacionalizar the too much contents assimilated in as much other chairs of the vast curricular grate of the course of education of Biology. The edge of the story of the work carried through during practical the pedagogical ones, one also searchs to reflectir concerning the Ambient Education in the education of Biology. Some conditions will be brought that exert influence in the decision of the professors in becoming its practical lessons of biology in educative directed the ambient education. This work will present the data colectados in the diverse activities in different chapters. The first chapter, will treat subjects related with projecto in study whose subject ‘ ‘ Not capitalizaton of the lessons of biology for the practical one of the Ambient Education in the Intermediate school of the Estoril in the Beira’ ‘. As the chapter, will bring the constataes written down during the practical phases of the pedagogical ones (PPs). Finally, the third chapter will present the synthesis of the problems found in the continuation of the pedagogical activities of practical form.

Education Form

07.08.14 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Education Form

It has a new didactic-metodolgica boarding that exceeds the perspective of the professor to give ready concepts on the environment, to speak only on the physical aspect of the natural resources and distant realities of form stanches. The norteador axle of the process of education and learning must be the reality of the educandos, breaking itself, in this in case that, of problematic the ambient one that the fence, propitiating itself a reflection on questions come back toward the preservation of the nature and the formation of the ecological citizen. Ahead of these affirmations, we agree to Oak (2008, p.77) when standes out that: ' ' The Education happens as part of the action human being to transform the nature into culture, being attributed to it directions, bringing it for the field of the understanding and the experience human being to be in the world and to participate of vida' '. In turn, Freire (2005, P. 30) explains: ' ' A reflection of the man exists face to the reality. The man tends to catch a reality, making it object of its knowledge. Cognoscente of a cognoscvel object assumes the position of a citizen. That is proper of all the men and privilege of some (therefore the reflexiva conscience does not have to be stimulated: to obtain that educating reflects on its realidade' '.

In this meantime, while beings partner-descriptions that act directly on the reality, the individuals must be always searching to understand this reality in the multiple aspects and to transform it of positive form. Since early, this position must in such a way be stimulated in the family, as? of systematic form? in the education institutions. We also send the Education ambient, that can, and must be a great allied of the school and all the population in the direction to make possible strategies of prevention and conservation of the way, associates the individual and collective action.

Saint Antonio

21.10.13 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Saint Antonio

They are distinguished from the areas of ' ' Legal&#039 reserve; ' , also defined in the same Code, for not being object of exploration of no nature, as it can occur in the case of the Legal Reserve, from a planning of sustainable exploration. Examples of APP are the areas delinquents of bodies d? water (rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs) and springs; areas of top of mounts and mountains, areas in accented hillsides, restingas and fens, among others. The definitions and limits of APP are presented, in details, Resolution CONAMA n 303 of 20/03/2002. MEDIDADAS MITIGADORAS Emater-Par through the local office is searching of intervention and reducing measures of ambient impacts with data-collectings of the activity next to the involved communities half, with proposals of ambient education, management and ambient support inside of the socioeconmico process with institucional partnerships municipal, to involve union, Semagri, City department of Environment, City department of Education, State Secretariat of Environment? Similar SEMA and other institutions. FINAL CONSIDERAES In accordance with the surveys, in field carried through, what if it observed, with the referring research, were to the disordered extration of the Taboca in the city of Saint Antonio of the Tau, that occurs mainly for economic and social factors, neither, offer of job, what it makes with that the inhabitants of the related city, appeal to the informal work, so that they guarantee its survival. In result of observed the partner-economic and ambient problems, as unemployment, me the income distribution and me the quality of life, such partner-economic scene finishes for unchaining another problem, the degradation of the environment, that occurs due to falling of trees of taboca, therefore, the ambient impacts generated by this activity not cause only its extinguishing, and yes, all affects the ecosystem of such locality, still more preoccupying consequence. Taboca, in the City of Saint Antonio of the Tau, also plays function of ciliar bush, that is, borders the rivers of this city, with ecological, biological, hidrolgicas functions and physical, what cause benefits in the maintenance of biodiversity, protection of the ground against erosion, among others essential factors for the maintenance of the species and also of the life human being.

Ambient Education

23.09.13 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Ambient Education

The Ambient Education if today became an indispensable tool in the combat the destruction of the environment in which all we are inserted. Professors and pupils become the main agents of transformation and ambient conservation. In the schools we more see each time the concern to acquire knowledge the pupils on its paper in relation to the future. With simple methodologies professors are obtaining to awake the capable pupils for reality and becoming them of not only preserving for now as tambm for the future of the generations that still are for coming. He not only fits the schools but to all the citizens to give sufficiently attention in what we are transforming the world where we live, still has time to move but for this we must change our attitudes and thoughts, simple attitudes as one to only close of taps contribuiem very and for preservation of our natural resources.