The Desire

02.09.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on The Desire
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When he finished the draw again the announcer say the prizes: A new ball in basketball Professional for every lucky). I.e. what weeks I was asking won my son (just this year began to go learn to play basketball) and wanted his new ball. There went I realized account that the experiment had failed before, now gave results positive (see the article entitled the experiment). And strongly that what I did that night went accompany the desire that was my son, also making my own. If had only been sufficient desire, had won during the first two coupons that took out; However came out winner just when I also raised my desire. In other words, that night was part of an experiment that I had not I proposed; the universe with it told me: Kid experiment to make it work is done: there is to want the other person to accompany our desire; but one must accompany the desire of the other without knowing this.

That is what somehow came to the conclusion in the article that I called the experiment. And lo most prominent it is that when I gave my desire at that moment neither I remembered the law of attraction, I not made I am, I not thanked in advance (except that two hours before the match, without remembering me nor the law of attraction, visualize my son winning an award but in a totally different way that turned out). Therefore, at that time the only thing I did is ask with desire emotion, nothing more, except of course done together (without knowing it) with my son. The newspapers mentioned FireEye Inc not as a source, but as a related topic. Now step to enumerate certain coincidences (with the presence of the number 7) that I sensed after finished the match: Penarol won him Argentines of Junin 107-77 (this relate it as if the bookmark Digest 1 = 777). I some time ago that I have been wondering if 6 represents the man and 666 the beast; 7 is perfection (of God), then 777 who represents?, not to God because that’s the 1, nor the Trinity, which is 3.

Emotional Intelligence

09.06.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Emotional Intelligence
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Howard Gardner, psychologist, current Professor of graduates of the University of Harvard School, which has received numerous honorary degrees from universities around the world, in 1980 established his theory of multiple intelligences; in his book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (structures of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences), indicated that there are eight different types of intelligence, distinct and independent but interrelated. The types of intelligence, according to Gardner, are: linguistic or verbal, spatial, logica-matematica, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalist. Gardner, in his theory, also indicates that intelligence can be developed and is not something innate and unchangeable. Daniel Goleman, Ph.d., psychologist, also from Harvard, in his book Emotional Intelligence (emotional intelligence), published in 1995, it became a Bestseller, popularized the term of intelligence emotional (EI). You may wish to learn more. If so, David G. DeWalt is the place to go. The intelligence emotional is the ability to recognize our own emotions, understand its meaning and understand the emotions of one’s self to affect people who are us around. Emotional intelligence also involves the perception that we have of others and when you understand what other people feel allows us to manage our relations in a more effective manner. Both Gadner and Goleman agree that we have multiple intelligences, usually one or more than one are more developed than others and that we can develop them consciously to live life more fully.

This article discusses the importance of emotional intelligence to achieve success and happiness. People with IE developed generally achieve goals being proposed because they take into account, primarily, the importance of interpersonal relationships in life. According to Goleman EI has the following elements: self-knowledge, control himself, self-motivation, empathy and sociability. EI is the key to having success and achieve happiness. Knowledge of self is important since it allows us to know our emotions and deal with them according to the situation and not allow our emotions to direct our lives.

Monterrey Campus

12.04.14 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Monterrey Campus
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It’s interesting how the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, knows how to use their opportunities and above all, plan with assertiveness its growth, operability, in such a way that constantly increases its potentiality of vision, not only penetration at the regional level, national but internationally, consolidating in this way that their goals are reached, achieve, guaranteeing him an image of strength, security in all its programmesas also consistency in which training, training of its graduates are quality and where, they are responsible for let know, apply the knowledge acquired to benefiting all. Nohay forget, as reminds us, which during its first fifteen years of life, from 1943 until the year 1958, the Tecnologico de Monterrey had been directed by three people: eng. Leon avalos, Lic. Roberto Guajardo Suarez and Mr. Victor Bravo Ahuja.

At the beginning of 1960, the Council of education and research Top extended the appointment of rector to Mr. Fernando Garcia Roel, after a year in which the post had been vacant. The vision of Mr. Garcia Roel, who held the post of rector for 25 years, the initial stage of the expansion of the technology of Monterrey.En was due September 1960, the Institute met 17 years of having been founded. I was then 3 thousand 952 students concentrated in the area of Monterrey between professional, high school and summer school, and had granted thousand 199 professional titles.

When Mr. Garcia Roel left office, the school population was 30 thousand 254 pupils, and the Monterrey Campus had graduated 21,794 professionals and extended 3,197 academic degrees. The work of the technology was carried out, in addition to Monterrey, in 23 foreign units.Since he took the reins of the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Eng. Garcia Roel noted the need for the institution to grow. He saw clearly that the technological culture of Monterrey could extend beyond the city that had arisen.

Language Guarani

29.01.14 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Language Guarani
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Republic of PARAGUAY ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI GUARANI, MERCOSUR NE TEETE day on LA culture GUARANI and environment, in streams and ESTUARIES tomorrow, Thursday 18 June at 08: 00, will be held a conference about the Guarani culture and the environment, in the College National species and of Arroyos y Esteros. This project is coordinated by Prof. Maria Asuncion Gonzalez Gonzalez, Director of the College; and by Prof. Claudelina Gomez de Aveiro, teacher of the institution. The activity that will be directed to teachers, students, mothers and parents of the community; It will be developed by David Galeano Olivera, Director-General of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI. Peicha, mbo ehara, temimbo e, sy has tuvakuera onembokatupyryveta Guarani reko has nande rekoha nenangarekope.

Jaikuaahaicha Guaranikuera akointe omomba eguasu has onangareko hekohare. Roundtable discussion on ROA BASTOS and the translation of their works Guarani Paraguayan Chamber Editores, Booksellers and partners (CAPEL), the spectrum graphics Publisher, Vazpi Editorial and Jopoi Editorial translations carried a roundtable discussion about Augusto Roa Bastos and the importance of the translation of their works to the Guarani language, on Saturday, June 20, 5 p.m., at the 15th book fair assumption (ex factory Martel Villa Morra). It is noteworthy that of the Nieves Dominguez and Enrique Chamorro, graduates in Guarani language, are official translators of the works of Augusto Roa Bastos Guarani. They will be exhibitors at the roundtable discussion: David Galeano Olivera, Feliciano Acosta, Lino Trinidad Sanabria, Paublino Carlos Ferreira, Georgina Gonzalez, Maria Eva Mansfeld de Aguero, Miguel Angel Veron Gomez, Maria Elvira Martinez fields and Mario Ruben Alvarez. ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI ohecharamo has omomba eguasu De las Nieves has Enrique rembiapo. Omba apo kyre y Mokoive ombohasavo Roa Bastos rembiapo nane Avanee eme. 16 Years of the REGIONAL ASUNCION-Center of the ATHENAEUM that same Saturday, June 20 at 20: 00 hours, Regional Asuncion-Center of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI will remember his 16 years of Foundation, with the completion of a fellowship dinner which will take place in the military Center, Naval and aeronautics, located on Mcal.

Alberto Garzon Espinosa University

01.01.13 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Alberto Garzon Espinosa University
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Capitalism today is, in the words of Joseph Stiglitz, a capitalism of pals. Favors employers, relatives, government contracts awarded to friendly companies, planning of infrastructures at the service of private interests. The corrupt ties that connect politics with economic life come to light only from time to time, and always pushed by the most spectacular cases or those few lawsuits that manage to thrive. We learned only anecdotes, from corruption to the retail, but never large cases. Among other things because the judges, prosecutors, lawyers of the State and the media are responsible for silencing them.

In many cases, the pressure exerted from the highest spheres of economic and political power achieve always avoid demands and complaints involve significant sanctions and that it discourages corrupt practices. Jumps to the private sector mean not only an extraordinary improvement in the Payroll, but also to stay in power structures. According to a survey on economic power in Spain, held this year in the University of Vigo, a small elite representing 0.0035% of the population effectively controls an equivalent to 80.5% of the Spanish GDP. Thus was born his uncontrolled economic power, which mingles diffuse and dangerously with political power, weaving a network of exchange of favors and corrupt concessions and radically anti-democratic. It is urgent to take radical and effective measures against the favoritism and corruption.

We must review all current democratic mechanisms, since the funding of political parties until the laws of compatibility of public offices. And it is urgent to improve the judicial system and establish fairer legislation and copies for those who intend to make public their private business.Money or democracy. That is the question. Juan Torres Lopez and Alberto Garzon Espinosa University of Malaga original author and source of the article.