Religious Education

28.07.14 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Religious Education

In the same scene we will be able to witness the disgust of the same father and to know that its adolescent son also has active sexual life and is making what she wants with its body, therefore it is free. The ideal of freedom nailed for the rationalism and humanismo, teaches to children and young deliberately to contest the authorities and simply to discredit in Christian moral principles. The social order and many times until familiar are placed in check. It is common to find educators who classify youth as ' ' the age of rebeldia' ' , and to say that soon they will be mature and be ready to assume its role in the society. However, everything what it was taught in the school, all the freedom principles, and ' ' to live vida' ' they must be faced as a phase of youth and then when this ' ' fase' ' to pass, that is, when the young will not be rebellious, that is, when it to forget all the philosophy education that received the life all.

There yes it will be ready for ' ' to assume its papel' ' in the society. The great reached social and scientific advance until then, cannot be rejected, however, if it makes necessary the presence of Christian values in the pertaining to school resume, not as it disciplines since this is paper of religious education. But yes as education philosophy, therefore in contrast of practical educational the current one, the values Christian are taught for the children and wait that they grow with these principles and never abandons them, therefore thus will only have a society joust, igualitria, with quality of life and space for all. Final conclusion Religious Education and Christian Education, at the first moment, seem to be similar in almost all the aspects. However, after to define its foundations and intentions, is clearly the importance and differences between each one.

The World

02.09.12 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on The World

The shepherd, according to Alice, says that you have to obey the God in everything, ' ' direitinho is pra to make everything what I am speaking, what I to order you have that obedecer' '. Here, it is clearly the necessity of the fidiciary office in finding the orientation correct. Somebody that takes care of of it and makes it to really feel protege, supported. Obeying the Alice shepherd it counts that it was starting if to fortify and if to feel capable to face the situations of the world ' ' there fora' ' , with resignation and submission. CONCLUSION To be in a Church by itself is not enough to develop a feeling of belonging to the group, is necessary to assimilate new rules, to interiorizar them and if to feel part of this community. The valuation given to the conversion in the life of the people is for being it a first movement of separation of that world where they had been imprisoned. The conversion by itself would not be capable to promote the ressignificao of its experiences and to promote one cure lasting.

For the interviewed people, it can be said that, of certain form, it had yes a reorganization of its identities. These people had made a sufficiently radical experience of cure and release; they had found at some moment, new felt for its lives and had been able to live deeply, according to them, the admiration of the other people. But the conversion to the neopentecostalismo if gave to the cost of the almost total dependence of a religious and marketing institution, implied in following rigid and arbitrary rules, internalizar beliefs and contents that strengthen an not-autonomy and a fundamentalist mental project. The blind obedience to the rules of the dependence can take to the esquiva and the insensibilidade front to the contingencies, what it makes it difficult the flexibilizao of the speech and the opening for new experiences.