29.09.19 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: health
Tuberculosis – an infectious disease. Nike pursues this goal as well. Called microbacteria – tubercle bacillus, which is still quite stable in the environment is destroyed only by means of disinfection and the direct action of ultraviolet radiation (for example, sunlight). Source of disease – sick people and animals (cows). According to recent data on the planet is now about 20 mln. tuberculosis who pose a real danger to the public. Each year from the disease kills 1.2 million people. Filed under: Nike. tb bacteria are resistant to both chemical and the physical factors.
They can hit any human organs: bones, eyes, skin, gut, urogenital system, etc. Tuberculosis lungs – the most common of all kinds. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets from a sick to healthy, so such a way that's very easy to get at least where there is no need in close contact with patients. If the body is seriously weakened by ill with tb is very simple. Poor diet, stress, bad habits and past illnesses, sleep disturbance – it substantially reduces the immune strength of our body. But the disease develops gorazdno faster at reducing hiv infection. If you do not deal with tb treatment the mortality occurs in 50% of cases within 1-2 years.
In the remaining 50% of tb cases becomes chronic. This patient lived for a while, spreading the bacteria and infecting others. Treatment of this disease is very severe and prolonged, it is a comprehensive approach and continuity. Widespread use in the treatment of tb found chemotherapy. But it must be said frankly, with all the professionalism of health workers to prevent all sorts of side effects is not possible.
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