Regular Information Sessions
29.04.14 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: education & career, vocational
The German school of prevention and health management informs prospective students and potential training company to study and education fairs and own information events in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland information opportunities for prospective students and businesses. During the information sessions, which take place on the 11 study centres of the German University (Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich, Osnabruck, Saarbrucken, Stuttgart, Vienna, Zurich), the participants will have the opportunity to get a first impression of the premises and point of contact of the German University at the respective study centre. Is also informed about the opportunities to study, the education system and curriculum. There offers the possibility of a personal advice at the trade fair stand at the fairs. The dates, see opportunities to study at the German University of the German College for prevention and health management, through nationwide study centres the perfect partner for those who want to qualify prevention, fitness and health with a degree for the market of the future is. The first Bachelor’s degree at the State-approved University connects a company training and a correspondence course Austria or of Switzerland compact periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide). The financing of undergraduate degree is carried out normally through the respective training company. In the study, fitness training, fitness economics, nutrition counseling and health management close the bachelor students after three years with the internationally recognized academic degree of Bachelor of Arts”from. The two-year, postgraduate course master in health management”qualified to the versatile prevention experts and combines distance learning and compact attendance phases.
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