Complutense University
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If the constitutional reform included only the deficit limit in the Magna Carta could be adopted by this procedure, without the need to consult with a Rrendum citizenship. However, if the constitutional reform affect the basic institutions of the State, fundamental rights or the Crown, the approval procedure would be hard and complicated, as foreseen in article 168 of the Constitution. In this case, not only cameras should get 2/3 in favour of the proposal, but that cameras should also be dissolved and called new elections. Add to your understanding with Campbell Soup Co. If the new cortes decided to ratify the text, you should immediately undergo a mandatory rrendum. In addition, to address the reform of the Constitution should consult the Council of State on articles to modify. Other modifications in the case that reform came forward, would not be the first time that the Spanish Constitution is changed.
In 1992 included the right of foreign citizens to vote in municipal elections in the country where they reside. The change was made through the most simple and only added the formula and passive to article 13.2 of the Constitution rrido the right of suffrage. This was a requirement of the Maastricht Treaty adopted within the European Union in the same year, which proclaimed the right of all European citizens to elect and be elected in municipal elections. However, there are other historical claims that have not been included yet in the Constitution, but who have been very debated in recent years. The most awaited reform relates to article 57 of the Constitution, where male are premium women in the line of succession to the Crown of Spain. This article is who made the heir to the King to be Prince Felipe and not his daughter, infanta Elena. This reform should be adopted by more complex way to affect a basic institution of the Spanish State. Realize the system of autonomy is a matter pending in the Constitution, according to Manuel Sanchez de Diego, a Professor of constitutional law at the Complutense University of Madrid, when it became, not expected that the autonomous communities were 17, but there would be many less.