Burn-out Syndrome And The Disability
05.07.18 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Burn-out Syndrome And The Disability
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The number of mental illness of chronic and transient rises. In particular the burn-out syndrome recorded significant increase. This is a major cost factor for the disability insurance. Nowadays, everyone knows a colleague or acquaintance who of a burn-out syndrome suffers, suffered or shortly before. Burn-out syndrome is a disease that is very difficult to diagnose–and more the description of a bunch of symptoms that together have on a long-term overloading in the job to be justified. Also a proof before disability insurance is therefore difficult. What is burn-out syndrome.
Certainly, the burn-out syndrome is one thing of type of. But generally speaking, if pressure shifts on negative stress and you can see no way out, the psyche in danger is. In particular the problems are given, if the individual feels itself not being able to change his situation and even to be, not Lord of what he’s doing. If this still correlated, that in a company little praise and Recognition is mediated, but establishes a pure threat scenario increases the stress a lot. Also, one must also recognize that the workload is increasing and at the same time the individual works always more effective. The dream that the automation or computer clear the individual was plain wrong.
The employee is only auditable, measurable and comparable. A persistent fear in the background of less to do than having to leave the colleagues and that’s why the company is so. This is of course even more in times of economic crisis, which will cost many jobs. In addition also a meta-level, which pervades the whole of society. Because in the past 20 years, some certainties of the old”Federal Republic disappeared, who were as it were PuTTY for the society. Steady economic growth, not to be dismissed a good education as a guarantee for a good life and the certainty of certain positions. Thus arose a diffuse fear of the future, which means a base load for many. What to keep in mind is, what professions the most burn-out syndromes arise. These are the social professions. Above all the teachers. Today, only a fraction of teachers works into the regular pension age. Many must leave before with symptoms of burn-out syndrome. Burn-out syndrome is one of the most controversial cases of the disability insurance. In many cases we can fight. It is very important to inform yourself so for disability insurance. Contact: Antonie Muller Blumenstrasse 37 80333 Munich, Germany E-Mail: a.mueller (at) studentenmail .de the Portal Guide berufsunfaehigkeitsversicherung.de has turned the questions about the disability insurance. The portal is completely independent of the insurance industry. Find here so neutral answers to your questions about the disability insurance.