Venezuelan University
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The stay of the student in the program laid down by the regulation of graduate is four years (3). It can be done in less time wanting it the participanteHORARIO of the scheduled has developed based on professional working all day and offered within the schedules from Monday to Friday from 6.30 to 9.30 p.m. Also is it can be filed on Saturday, the so-called Saturday courses involving 8 hours four in the morning and four in the afternoon. GRADE OPTORGA the PROGRAMAAl meet the participant with all academic and administrative requirements established, the institution gives the title of specialist in management of quality and productivity.Calculatorto requirements to join the program must: possess higher education title issued by a Venezuelan University or other higher education institution of recognized prestige, whose curriculum has a prior four-year minimum promised by law enforcement in these cases. In the case of universities foreign titles legalised by the Ministry of relations exteriors.
copy of identification card of identity. Certified black background of the title of higher education, notes obtained certified originals in the superior studies of postgraduate with indication of the average of qualifications and place occupied the three promotion photography size Passport curriculum vital with copy of the evidentiary documents proof of cancellation of the tariff’s application form preliminary investigation ascribed to one of the research lines of the program submitted to a personal interview the number of participants the program supports a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 25 in each CohorteREGIMEN’s ESTUDIOSEl program is subject to the regime of Presential pursuant to the regulation of studies of postgraduate programmes of the University of Carabobo. During the year is administered in three trimesters in twelve weeks each January 1st April, the second from April to July and from September to December third.