The Venezuelan University

08.02.13 / Uncategorized / Author:
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How the customer feels that he has changed?, how satisfied you feel with the advice of the coaching?. The process ends with the Declaration of satisfaction on the part of the client. Major obstacles that have impeded its use: Afraid to supply information about the company to a person employed to the same: This blocks the client and does not allow you to raise the issue to the coach or Manager with absolute sincerity. If we believe that coaching to be successful it is essential to define the problem or situation of the customer with honesty, lack of information does not allow that we can apply the coaching properly. Fear to be considered awkward or inefficient: this fear prevents us from seeking advice or guidance to resolve problems or business situations. Lack of managers that you motivate the employee and their customers use the coaching. The Venezuelan University is obliged to form a manager who successfully tackle the challenges of globalization.

In order to form the student, the teacher training has to be excellent. The continuing education of teachers is essential to achieve this purpose, i.e., one cannot give what you do not have. Cost of executive coaching: this management practice is costly. Many private entrepreneurs do not employ it because this increases the costs of production, without understanding that spending that causes be adviced brings correction of administrative failures consequently will result in the efficient operation of the company, in its productivity and success. We know that the use of consultants is common in the public sector. The National Assembly recently spent 300 million Bs., in payment for advisers. Even the rectors of the national universities have advisers references.

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