
28.07.19 / Uncategorized / Author:

This effectiveness can arrive 80% more than or reduction of the polluting load of the sewers of the residences, and it does not require at least a system of collection of sewers, that is exactly the part most onerous of a system of collection and treatment of sewers. For being a system that to the times badly is conceived, constructed, installed and operated (therefore also it requires a maintenance, even though simple and infrequente), finishes being had as bad example of a system of basic sanitation, when the opposite is truth. Fossas individual can very deal with the sanitary sewers well residences, using little space, and with baixssimo cost, if compared with the proportional cost of great systems sanitation, involving systems of collection and ETEs. Fossas communitarian and biorreatores can take care of the great number of next residences, and until simultaneously supplying to gas kitchens of day-care centers of the quarter or schools. We have good diverse examples in Petrpolis and other cities in Brazil and the whole world. The problems of fossas, of construction or maintenance, also occur in great ETEs, many of which operate very below of the original specifications for its performance, and many times with performance well below of the one of simple, however an efficient one, residential or communitarian system of fossa. Kindle Direct Publishing has much to offer in this field.

On the other hand, the mere removal of the sanitary sewers, through systems of it collects better, even though of what having black ditches the opened sky, still is far from deciding the problem of the sanitary sewers and the consequent pollution in the eventual places of discarding, as rivers, lakes or coastal areas. Fossas residential of low cost, light materials, and easy installation, offers efficient and efficient systems very (taking in account the cost and the performance). Good part of the residential maintenance of one fossa can be carried through by the proper inhabitants, and taking care of to prevent the ousting of chemical products in excess, that could harm the biological functioning of this system, is generally enough to guarantee a good functioning. Very infrequentemente, fossas can need esvaziamento for proper trucks, but nowadays already many natural biological products exist (biological remediadores, in the definition of the norms of the CONAMA), that, if added fossas regularly, they guarantee its good functioning, keeping one biota more efficient and resistant, and reducing the accumulation of silt in deep. Although the natural interest of engineering for great workmanships and projects, is important to recognize that fossas represents a viable alternative, for a system of basic sanitation, and that in many situations they can be a solution much more adjusted, of fast implementation, low cost, and proven effectiveness, in the treatment of sanitary sewers of residences and communities. It is an injustice to tax fossas as systems undesirable, especially considering the reality of Brazil, where, on average, only 36% of the sewer generated in the cities receive some type of treatment. With my commentary, I wait that the Prof.

Pinguelli Luiz, in its future articles and commentaries, and data its prestige and the respect that its arguments command, displays the advantages and the benefits of fossas, especially in communities without collection or treatment of sewer.

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