Philosophy Education

03.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author:

Each one of the three you criticize is guided for the analysis of one determined classroom of judgments: theoretical judgments in the Critical one of the Pure Reason, practical judgments in the Critical one of the Practical Reason, aesthetic and teleologic judgments in the Critical one of the judgment college. In the scope of each one of the critical ones, analyses of the judgments pass for new joints and subdivises. Amongst the judgments that base the human knowledge, it had, in the time of Kant, at least two: the analytical judgments a priori and the synthetic judgments a posteriori. The scientific knowledge, that is the true knowledge, consists of proposals (or judgments) that they are necessary and universal. A judgment, in turn, consists of the connection of two concepts where one plays the citizen function, while another one the predicate function. The concept that functions as preached can be contained in the concept that functions as subject. This takes in them to say that the predicate can be extracted through a pure analysis of the citizen.

If such judgment if of the one for the analysis, then the judgment is analytical. In the example that proper Kant if uses, when saying that ‘ ‘ all the bodies are extensos’ ‘ , it explains that the concept of extensive is synonymous for body. That is, when we make such affirmation, we make one explanation of what we understand for body. ANALYTICAL JUDGMENTS A PRIORI the analytical judgment does not need to appeal to the existence, therefore we express in different way concept the same that we express in the citizen. This type of judgment is universal and necessary, however, it does not extend knowing. Science if valley of these concepts to clarify and to explain many things, but are not based on them when it extends its proper knowledge.

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