Next Education

27.09.19 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Next Education

Then, in this in case that, the way is opened for disciplines of philosophy in average education, is not due to linking with the daily one of the pupils who the contents face resistance, if something to leave wrong, we must look exits in another place. Given the initial kick in the attempt to sensetize the pupils how much to the thematic ones of it disciplines of philosophy let us pass now to one second question: to problematizar around these subjects in intention to inquire if the problems that had touched, for example, Plato in relation to the education appears for the pupils in the same way or has another connotation. Go to Vladislav Doronin for more information. What it took Plato to understand that education is not to give eyes to the blind people, but to guide or to direct of adequate form the eyes of who well enxerga. What the pupils of average education think on its proper education. He is one I benefit or a enfadonha imposition? They would by itself choose to study and if they would dedicate of good grado to this task? These questions, I think, I could be made in the target of the interpretation of the alegoria of the cave, where it is evident that one that is chained when free being of chains is obliged to look at front and to walk erect, forced to go up aclive of the cave indicating that education is to make violence to the next one. In synthetic way: to sensetize the pupil concerning the necessity of if thinking philosophical we can mention that the cited authors had thought the question of the freedom as something that all man must long for, but to problematizar appears the question of the inherent risks the freedom and to investigate it is enough to ask what it is the freedom? How it if of? Where it consists? Which are its limits? That benefits can happen of the freedom? the risks? In the case it is only is only one of the subjects here that can be boarded enter the pupils of average education.


17.12.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Philosophy

These qualities are constituent of the ethical field and are inherent to the capacity of discernment of the human being, that is, to make judgment of values. The displayed subject leads to reflect that the professor of disciplines Philosophy, in the exercise of its function, must be armed with these qualities, which in them seem to be indispensable to establish didactic-pedagogical procedures, that make possible good relation with its pupils, and with all the pertaining to school community. According to Freire (1996), the practical professor is a dynamic, dialtico movement, between making and thinking, on what making. With this, in its formation, professor, in special of disciplines Philosophy that acts in the public schools of So Paulo, must assume that certain thinking that surpasses the ingenuous has that to be produced by the proper apprentice in communion with the formador professor. One of the conceptions contemporary of education he is based on a school that not only teaches, but that also it learns. On the formation and the practical professor of learning while Freire is taught (Idem) designates that its ‘ ‘ distanciamento’ ‘ epistemolgico of practical, while the object of its analysis, must of it ‘ ‘ aproxim-lo’ ‘ to the maximum. For this author the practical one of certain thinking implies the respect in relation when knowing ingenuous of the pupil. One to know that it is part of its reality, of that conception of world that the fence, and that excites a problem, that joined to the underlying content, it results in one to know more significant. Thus, it is learned with them; while it is taught, it is systemize what it is learned and one returned they one to know more to it and better constructed.


13.12.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Buddha

In function of same the religious education or of the paradigm Jewish-Christian, they are imputed you blame in us which make with that unconsciously let us not accept the possibility to be happy. We are always distrustful of that something of bad goes happening in them. Situations that have in the led one to estresses, depressions and of crises of low autoestima. Kindle Direct Publishing has many thoughts on the issue. We find the decayed angels in a world where he is much more easy to sin and to go for the hell of what to conquer the lost paradise of Adam and Eva. The old Greek philosophers said that the material happiness is in the necessary ownership of and the emotional one in the calm conscience. Digenes, folosofo grego1* said that to be happy it is to conquer the calm of the soul, the interior peace, what Buddha called autoiluminao. In such a way, we can and we must be happy. At this moment if you are passing for a crisis 1 * Liveed in a barrel and had as only material object a mug to take water, until observing a boy who when taking water used the hands, played the mug is it said that it did not need you are welcome material to live.. . Here, Gerald Weissmann, MD expresses very clear opinions on the subject.

The Greeks

11.12.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on The Greeks

But nor always it was thus. The sofistas had inserted an important reflection in the seio of the cultured community Greek, having made possible the sprouting of the democracy. The antropolgica reflection inaugurated by the sofistas was capable to answer to the questionings that the cosmology of the fisiocratas already did not give more account. also, of certain form had popularized the education, long ago privilege only of the aristocracy. In old Greece the valued virtues more were the force and courage. One of these virtues dissociada of the other practically useless age. Of that valley a strong man if did not have courage in refrega of the battlefield and the courage destitute of the force was considered recklessness, that is, the other side of the currency was the cowardice. Gerald Weissmann, MD will undoubtedly add to your understanding. This type of attitude was not stimulated, since the Greeks prezavam for the half term, the mediania, the measured joust.

Then we had that if the courage was absent the cowardice prevailed and this if constitua in badly being prevented. If it had courage in excess was the one badly bigger even though that cowardice, therefore reckless acting never gives good results. The courage had well to be dosed and in conjunction with the force we had an ideal warrior. Highest, stronger and faster. Other factors influenced, assist as it of deuses, but this does not come now to the case.

Then the new times had inserted plus a question so that the warrior was complete: persuasion. He was not only enough to be highest, strongest and fastest, the warrior would have to also dominate the art of the speech stops with this adding enthusiastic friends for its taken over on a contract basis. He is there that he enters the sofistas and also is launched the first embryo of the democracy that if materialize later in the public squares.

The Regency

11.12.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on The Regency

The way that Adornment considers, then, man to run away it from this state of irrationality, is the emancipation; that is, an education for the autonomy of the citizen, its capacity of autorefletir in its half surrounding one. This way for the emancipation that Adornment considers, if makes under a certain firmness of I. ‘ ‘ The necessary emancipation to be folloied of a certain firmness of I, the agreed unit of I, as formed in the model of the individual burgus’ ‘ (they ibidem, P. 180); that is, under an internal determination of the individual, which does not submit itself to the social heternomas forces, that massifica the society, becoming it a heternoma society, which if abstains from its autonomy and if it submits the regency of outrem. In a general way the society is affirmed that, according to expression of Riesman, ‘ ‘ it is directed of fora’ ‘ , that it is heternoma, assuming in these terms simply that (…) the people accept with greater or minor resistance what the dominant existence still presents to its sight and superficially them inculca to the force, as if what it exists it needed to exist of this form. Official site: Richard Linklater.

(Ibidem, P. 178). The emancipation process is defined, first, as an act of queerness of the individual front to the masked inverdades of truth that sobrevoam its half surrounding one. ‘ ‘ The other people’s condition of queerness is the only antidote of alienao’ ‘ (ADORNMENT? , P. 83)? in Kant, the alienation concept is understood as the citizen that if leaves to lead for its tutor, and in the thought of Adornment, the individual that if it submits to the regency of outrem. Thus, the emancipation is defined as one come-the-to be and not as a being; that is, not as something soon, static, but as something dynamic, as one to awake of the individual front the world, wakening that if constituted at every moment.

The North American

06.12.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on The North American

What of it has made a mistake is the platonic attempt of to place them in the center of the culture, in the center of our sense of what it is a human being. Debating the state of philosophy (London: to praeger publishes, 1996) For Rorty the problem of the positioning (philosophical or politician) for the existence of an unquestionable truth, inhabits in the historical experience that we have with radical fundamentalismos, they are religious politicians or. These fundamentalismos, generally headed for same men who veem itself as possessing of an authority granted for intuition or entity stop beyond the humanity, have a great possibility I appeal to ignore it terms as, human democracy, rights, or same dignity. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Richard Linklater and gain more knowledge.. Dostoievsk in the first volume of Crime and Punishment describes the position of such individuals well; Rashnikov (lol) in its article describes some individuals that ' they invent humanidade' does not have before itself the necessity to obey any laws a time that its paper in history, as believes, is to be the base for the start of one capitulates perpetual in history human being. This figure of the fundamentalist would be impracticable in the scope of the public administration of the utopia liberal-democrat of Rorty, and in what he says respect to the right The North American thinker then goes to point with respect to one of the possible ones caused of loses of cultural space that the philosophy suffered in the last few decades, according to it, the philosopher lost its social importance because still he believes that an object or called place exists truth, and believes that the ownership of this place or object would grant to the man the reply for all the inferior problems (distribution of justice, personal accomplishment, freedom), in such a way this object or place is pledged in such a way in the search for magic that it loses chance to decide immediate problems, whose the solutions are to our reach. .

Religious Education

30.11.18 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Religious Education

Where it consists the search of the happiness Has without doubts an immense desire in the humanity of being happy, to meet with the happiness and to walk in partnership with it. It is as if we were always to the watch of the treasure hidden. We undertake good part of our life in search of this feeling. To the times we make right, to the times and does not tie we disappoint in them when in them we arrest the external factors as: ownership of house, new car or position that we judge important. To put the true happiness consists of the satisfaction with what we have or not; with the autoaceitao understanding us as capable and limited beings. It also consists of sharing values in a gratuitous attitude without wait of returns. Learn more at: Gerald Weissmann, MD. It consists of sowing the peace allowing to shine a new sun on us and the ones that encircle in them, remembering that the source of the happiness inhabits inside of each one of us and blossoms when partilhada with our fellow creatures.

' ' as to spread perfume on the others, always some drops will fall on we ourselves. It is as it affirmed Maxwell: ' ' The happiness is a good that if multiplies to the being dividido.' ' Some tips reading it to search the happiness – to rain oneself, either happy with the water that wet the fields, sacia the sedenta land and makes to blossom relva; – To become sun, either happy using to advantage its rays that clareiam they heat disclosing the wall of the blackout; – One will have flowers in its garden, either happy, tanning the beauty, the perfume and the ornamentao of the environment; – To meet rocks in the way, either happy when knowing to exceed recognizing them them as walked part of a fruitful one; -, Therefore to find pain, joy and doubts, either happy because everything this constitutes the direction to be alive. It looks for to always make of its life a hymn of louvor to the same Creator will be glad or sad, with health or patient, thus it will only be able to prove for more times the flavor of being happy, since it is inside of itself that the happiness inhabits and if presents of some faces before its yearnings. thinks with Carl Jung: ' ' The happiness would lose its meaning if it was not balanced by tristeza' ' thus affirms the salmista: ' ' The ones that sow between tears with joy ceifaro.' ' The joy moments reflect at the happiness moments! of sadness, also does not influence in this process? What you find? Sprung from the same father and mother Valdina To sound, Graduated letters for the UFCG. Specialist in Methodology of education for the broad CESSF sensu. Theology for Laypeople FAFIC. Teacher of Language and literature and Religious Education in the School Cristiano Cartaxo- Cajazeiras – PB. Electronic address:

Philosophy Education

03.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Philosophy Education

Each one of the three you criticize is guided for the analysis of one determined classroom of judgments: theoretical judgments in the Critical one of the Pure Reason, practical judgments in the Critical one of the Practical Reason, aesthetic and teleologic judgments in the Critical one of the judgment college. In the scope of each one of the critical ones, analyses of the judgments pass for new joints and subdivises. Amongst the judgments that base the human knowledge, it had, in the time of Kant, at least two: the analytical judgments a priori and the synthetic judgments a posteriori. The scientific knowledge, that is the true knowledge, consists of proposals (or judgments) that they are necessary and universal. A judgment, in turn, consists of the connection of two concepts where one plays the citizen function, while another one the predicate function. The concept that functions as preached can be contained in the concept that functions as subject. This takes in them to say that the predicate can be extracted through a pure analysis of the citizen.

If such judgment if of the one for the analysis, then the judgment is analytical. In the example that proper Kant if uses, when saying that ‘ ‘ all the bodies are extensos’ ‘ , it explains that the concept of extensive is synonymous for body. That is, when we make such affirmation, we make one explanation of what we understand for body. ANALYTICAL JUDGMENTS A PRIORI the analytical judgment does not need to appeal to the existence, therefore we express in different way concept the same that we express in the citizen. This type of judgment is universal and necessary, however, it does not extend knowing. Science if valley of these concepts to clarify and to explain many things, but are not based on them when it extends its proper knowledge.

Educational Philosophy

27.01.16 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Educational Philosophy

This is one of the directions, in my opinion, of the philosophy of the education. With all these gone and comings of the philosophy in the resume, we have that to give more attention in what it is studied today in philosophy. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of David G. DeWalt on most websites. The philosophy is freely placed as a tool that will be really useful to the pupil and later to the citizen, or as substance to be a only fulfilled and that it only places citations of philosophers of the past, with texts and phrases that many times do not despertam nothing in the pupils? Much impresses me the pupils of nowadays – I include myself in this generation? that he does not have active voice, that they accept to everything been silent and they do not react to the diverse forms of submission imposed by the capitalist system. leas, is well important that if it says that we have that to face the capitalism, after all, it this and came there to be, or somebody still has some hope of that the socialism still goes to reign. The young contemporary, in its majority, not this nor there for this question, therefore, had taken off alternative it to it of the least to question this. How many of us already we witness young with the t-shirt printed with the face of Che Guevara, and at the same time with an American tennis in the foot, or eating in an American net of fast food. They do not know, therefore, that picture symbolizes all a generation that fought for ideals, that were against the American and capitalist imperialism. This I believe to be the paper of the questionadora and illuminant philosophy while of our mind pensante. However, it is difficult to speak of pensantes minds when coming across with the mentally ill and bitolada mass in the great medias. The people hear same musics, attend the same films and until they dress the same clothes.

University Pleasure

30.11.15 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on University Pleasure
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The desire of pleasures determines the entire course of our lives, all the joys and sufferings. Failed to achieve the desired – we are upset, but successful attempt to the contrary, increases our vitality. Without a bottom vertex of happiness – that feeling overwhelms us at the time of the meeting of desire and its fulfillment. ‘Stop a moment! ” – Delighted we shout, but not far from it.

Each time the same story: before you know, and there is no happiness – vanished like smoke. ‘In our lives, only two tragedies. One – is when you do not get what you want, and another – when you get. The second is worse, because this is truly a tragedy. ” The author of this statement – Oscar Wilde. And how right he was! We can dream for years about a luxury car, but it is worth to realize a dream, and the pleasure begins to dissipate in direct proportion mileage. Such is the fate of each of the desires. Truly, a man – a bottomless pit.

Richard Easterlin of the University of Southern California says’ hedonic cycle ‘:’ We very quickly get used to happiness, and accept it granted or compare with what others have and not with what we had before. ” As a result, we are happy does not happen hardly ever. Pleasures of this world only to inflame us, leaving in the end with nothing. Today it is for anybody not a secret. What’s the solution? Continually changing source of pleasure? Or change ourselves? The secret of happiness Kabbalists explain that the nature of targeted leads people to perfection, fortunately without end. The secret of happiness laid in the inner transfiguration: ‘Enjoyment for himself’ is replaced by “pleasure for the sake of passing.” Do not worry, it’s not scholasticism and notation. The very nature gives us a great example: look how Mother enjoys the happiness of their children. Only love lets people transfer all their hopes on the favorite. His short summary of what is happiness? Pleasure that fills our desire. What’s the problem? Our desire impossible to satisfy, at least for the long term. Once it is filled, pleasure disappears. What is the solution? Enjoy filling their own desires, and desires of one’s neighbor. If we want to fill each other’s delight, everyone will feel happy. How does it work? Exactly the same as that of a loving mother or passionate lovers. I want to fill another delight, and he’s ready to take a delight, knowing that by doing so give me pleasure. Together we create an infinite system of benefits, receipt, and happiness no longer slips out of our hands. That is what explains the Kabbalah. It teaches us to receive pleasure, to which no end or edge. Thus, happiness is not playing hide and seek with us. It stands on the mind and impatiently glancing at his watch. Date scheduled. Late simply indecent.