Physical Education

06.10.13 / Uncategorized / Author:

Words key: Physical education; Physical activity; Quality of Life. ABSTRACT bio-physiological Physical education has prioritized and emphasized the dimension, but new issues, stemming from the perception of the complexity of human actions have been brought by this other scientific field. Quality of life is an ambiguous term, complex, subjective and you vary from person you person and especially in culture and teams. It identifies the interaction of the dimensions of health promotion, quality of life and physical activity within movement initiated in the physical education and sports sciences, whose epistemological physical axis focuses on increasing the level of activity the general population and you increase to their involvement with activities that result in energy expenditure above the rest, making individuals lives activates. Dominant trend in the field of physical education establishes relationship between physical activity and healthy behavior. This study aims you the show the importance of physical education in the life of the school, pointing out the aspects of relevance in improving the quality of life and explaining you them that physical education is important them to other subjects of the school because she is related you the health of students and content well and applied adds approaches can be very significant and may be useful will be the rest of to their lives. Although involving small portion of the total quantity of students and teachers from the City of Araguaina, this research leads US you consider what projects, forums, debates; campaigns on the subject should be encouraged, to either by public institutions or universities, only that the subject spread within schools. Key-words: Physical Education, Physical Activity, Quality of Life. INTRODUCTION This study had as objective generality to search As to improve the quality of life of the pupils through the lessons of Physical Education and to clarify doubts regarding the importance and of these lessons in the schools, and as objective specific to provide to quality of life and welfare, improving the intellectual, social capacities cultural, organic, spirituals and politics of the pupils through a script of interviews with pupils and professors of Physical Education.

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