Quality School
02.08.18 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace
Tags: education
If what it starts to see and to learn they will be of concrete form, without an affection that has touched its world and its imagination, does not bring interest intellectual, but only social. Psicopedagogo looks for to work the imaginary one acts so that he is imprisoned in the image and not in listening. Of a discrete form and insurance, it is in the individual plan and not in the group one that the imaginary one exerts a power of bigger impact. To estimate that the institution is always a formed fantastic place and unalterable is to be with a frozen image of the institution. In this new millenium the school will need to suffer transformations to guarantee the quality in the educational services. The school will not be able to be stolen to adhere almost quickly to the changes, acting as a being or an independent entity.
This was the error of the reprodutivistas conceptions of the school, that had finished for unchaining an image of the pertaining to school institutions, where never would have a change. But, we can think different, searching new strategies that assist to increase the productivity, where will become education aprendizajem more efficient. This form the professor and all the too much members and segments of the pertaining to school community will need to have a general vision of the concepts of administration and the planejamentos directed toward the area of the education. At last, working in team with the certainty of that much can inside be made and be changed of the institution and it are also with the participation and contribution of the country. She is necessary to leave the way concrete, we see that the concrete already is insolvent debtor, failed, and in such a way to go for another way, from the imaginary one to follow a work where all must provide to its action aiming at the integral developments of the personality of the individual and its personal and social adjustment.
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