Superior Education

13.03.15 / Uncategorized / Author:

Of this form, to work in the perspective of the construction and production of the knowledge, permeadas for elements of the creativity, that despertem in the pupil the taste for new forms of ' ' to know fazer' ' , he will contribute for primordial changes in university education. He requires yourself today, professors competent, capable to mobilize a set of cognitivos resources to solve on situations and conflicts the social and professional contexts, leading in consideration the individuality of the human being. Thus being, she is necessary to understand that the educational activity possesss pedagogical natures and characteristics, metodolgicas and affective interrelacionadas, that influence in the formation human being and the appropriation of knowing. Moreover, that the educative process if affirms between the theory and the practical one and that it is important to recognize that the craft of professor if points out in the historical dynamics of the learning human being, of teaching and learning that includes the most diverse plans of culture, if not limiting to education technician 3. FORMATION FOR SUPERIOR EDUCATION the Law of Lines of direction and Base LDB n 9394/96 treats in art.

43? Of the Superior Education, the question of the requirement of the titulao for the exercise of the function. However, our quarrel is concerning the importance of the formation in the docncia for superior education, in a question ampler than it is the understanding of the conditions for which these professionals enter the academic exercise. On the formation of the professors (PEPPER; ANASTASIOU, 2010 P. 37), identify that: ' ' In the majority of the institutions of superior education, including the universities, even so its professors possess significant experiences and same years of studies in its specific areas, predominate the unpreparedness until a scientific unfamiliarity of what it is the process education learning, for which start to be responsible the parts in the instant where they enter room of aula.' ' Retaking this thematic one reflections under the different approaches appear and paradigms regarding knowing professors to them, generating diverse controversies in the university scope, that if comes across with the necessity to contract professors and, for many times these professionals not yet possess an adjusted formation to assume this function.

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