Teach Mathematics

01.10.19 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Teach Mathematics

It is common, for example, to observe the construction of a wooden gate rectangular square or with a diagonal constraint, inspired in the Theorem of Pitgoras concomitantly with the rigidity of a plain figure so known and present, in roofs, metallic cupolas of churches, structures, the triangle. Tunnels that are below of highways moved for an intense flow of vehicles, inspired by its format ‘ ‘ oval’ ‘ that also they offer to greater resistance. If the mathematics inspires the humanity with the proper natural forms, then because not to understand? The great challenge in this new millenium is as to mediate the mathematical knowledge to the students of basic education until the conclusion of average education. If the creativity of a young student cannot disdain in the learning of so feared and mystified it disciplines.

Thus, when a young student instead of adding an amount of equal parcels readily presents the product of a multiplication, this is reason to disdain its reasoning? One of the great gargalos of a solid learning of the mathematical knowledge can be in the basic formation that involves the elementary operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, involution and radiciao. Levi’s is the source for more interesting facts. The concept to add is opposing of the remaining portion, of the parcel is the opposite of the quotient. Then, which the difficulty? The applied external evaluations in the public schools in Brazil come showing the biggest difficulties of the students with the incapacity to correctly interpret the statement of a mathematical question in this modality of education. The reading of a current daily situation many times takes the student to have a cruel doubt of interpretation. I must add or deduct? To multiply or to divide? When one content of the mathematics is considered with a good conceptualization to the construction of the knowledge is facilitated for a good agreement of its application.

Perhaps a trimmed reading of each conjunct or text of a mathematical problem considered by the mediator of the knowledge facilitates to the process, grifando the words keys making with that the pupil perceives some important data in the resolution of the situation and the questioning that is atrelado to this. The act to know to make mechanically a mathematical algorithm does not guarantee an efficient application in the resolution of a problem. Where a student is to the guarantee that whom she knows to decide fifty equations of 2 more than degree in a list of bimonthly exercise and knows to calculate the dimensions of a rectangle of dimensions (x+3) m for (x+2) m with 28 area of m2? The habit of the reading must be developed from the moment where a child all passes to be alfabetizada facilitating in its pertaining to school passage a constant search for the agreement of most complex situations that a simple application requires extending. A great quandary in the mathematical literal understanding clearly is displayed by the habit not to read, the fondness to make mechanically without having the pleasure to more read since an only time the four times or, being necessary the real understanding. The idea to join is paradoxical the idea to complete! Then, where it is the difficulty?

EAD Federal University

04.08.15 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on EAD Federal University

The way stops to assume itself as majority is in working the similarities between itself and the differences and thus to not only create the unit in the diversity, it are of which I do not see as to perfect itself and until as to construct a substantive democracy, radical.' ' (Freire, 1992). Pablo Freire, in 1992 already in them called the attention, for the necessity of if searching for all the right the education, as form to guarantee the citizenship consequentemente and the democracy. Therefore the education in the distance comes to change the concepts of quality in the education, in the measure where it makes in them to understand that the knowledge is constructed of some forms and that all deserve the chance to learn. Another one education politics that came as form to facilitate the access of the popular classrooms to the qualified education was the ENEM, that appeared in agreement with the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, finishing with the initial obligatoriness it at the same time where, it establishes a bridge between average education and the universities. One consists in a way to stimulate the schools of average education to develop the abilities and abilities that make with that the educandos, in contrast of the archaic based forms of learning in the memorization of the contents, assimilate the information and the knowledge, being learned to use them of independent form and citizen. The evaluation of the ENEM is supported in criteria that they search to understand of a multicriteria form, if the young has capacity to solve problems, to organize the knowledge, so that it obtains to construct and to defend its arguments, intervined in the reality of its context.

The result of the examination is being used today for 25 institutions (18 of particular them), as criterion of access to the university, in complementation or substitution to the vestibular contest. The number of institutions that are adhering to this alternative grows to each day. The adoption of the examination as criterion of complementary access to the vestibular contest was determined for institutions as the USP, the Unesp and the Unicamp, PUC-River and the Federal University of the Paran (PR), amongst others. The results of the ENEM if also present as possibility to the young ones to enter the work market, therefore already debates and suggestions of some universities and companies exist so that these results are used for this end. The main focus of the education must be, beyond the learning properly said, to help the individual to learn to integrate education and life, to always know and ethics, reflection and action, having the look come back toward the totality. Therefore, I believe that the new politics of education that are being implanted in our country try, of some form to contemplate the transformations of the educative context of the world contemporary and are very significant, therefore they represent innumerable possibilities to provide to the citizens a quality education, beyond a growth in the society of which they are integrant. Lcia Maria of Academic the Giudice Rose of the course of graduation in Pedagogia, modality EAD Federal University of the Rio Grande? FURG, Polar region of Vitria Saint of the Palmar

National Curricular Parameters

30.09.13 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on National Curricular Parameters

This article presents a research in development in the Chemistry laboratory of the 2 secondary school of Camocim Member of the house of representatives Murilo Aguiar, making a external bridge between pedagogical environments, partners and the study, classroom inside of Chemical Composites, gifts in the contents of Chemistry, where the same it presents problems for a clear understanding. Had its abstract nature, the pupil for many times does not obtain to understand as so small structures can encircling in them and not even we are capable to perceive them and differentiates them. Most of the time this explanation if restricts to the resource of picture, chalk and books. Much has been said on the necessity to mean the contents that we teach in the classrooms, and this passes, also, for the revision of the methodology of work of the chemistry professors. These can be turned, following the orientation of the National Curricular Parameters, toward a’ ‘ contextualizao’ ‘ of the contents and for ‘ ‘ interdisciplinaridade’ ‘. What it is considered here is to think about strategies to mean the contents pertaining to school, from the emphasis in the problematizao of the study object, since from the situation-problem creation, we can establish relations between the pertaining to school knowledge with the data of the daily experience, in order ‘ ‘ to give meaning the learned one and to catch the meaning of the world, to make the bridge between practical theory and, to base the critical one, to argue facts on the basis of, to deal with the feeling that the learning desperta’ ‘ (Nunes, 2002:77). The insertion of the development of inquiry and problematizao of the contents aims at to establish between the pupil and the object of the knowledge a reciprocity relation that, expects, provokes learnings with meaning. The considered problem, mentions understanding necessity to it of that the pupils seem not to understand and a situation of the daily life could be stimulant to search answers and solutions.