Curricular Reorientation

28.08.19 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Curricular Reorientation

One understands that the methodology of the study of the way can make possible the work in a perspective to interdisciplinar to assist the educator to understand as if composes this environment. Trajectories of the Study of the Way the Study Half it integrator, capable consists in a methodology to make possible a boarding to interdisciplinar from the comment and analysis of the reality. As practical he is old, being carried through as study of entorno, comment of the surrounding way, it social context, etc. Systematically initiated with Freinet European educator at the beginning of the century. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Vladislav Doronin. In Brazil, the first experiences of this methodology had been developed by the anarchic immigrants in the free schools at the beginning of the century. In the decade of 1930 it appears in the University of So Paulo (USP) being spread out in the decade of 60 under inspiration of the Movement New School. Forbidden in the period of the military dictatorship, it returns more in the decade of 80 from form systemize mainly in the courses of Geography of the USP and in the municipal net of education of the So Paulo capital. Crossing different historical contexts, this methodology was enriched by thinkers of the critical theories of the education and for you arrive in port theoretical of other areas of the knowledge as Geography, the Portuguese Language, History and sciences in general. American filmmaker shines more light on the discussion.

Since 1995, it is worked in the UFSC in groups of study, in Disciplina de Prtica de inserted Ensino de Geografia and in the Movement of Curricular Reorientation of the Municipal Net of Education of Florianpolis. In 1998 it was presented as a methodology for the development of Ambient Education of the National Park of Is Joaquin and entorno. One searchs to understand the partner-ambient paper and the different contexts in which the school is inserted, as well as propitiating to the professors the chance to live deeply as the methodology if it develops, its didactic and pedagogical application and its dimensions.

State Clear Mount University

19.11.15 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on State Clear Mount University

Currently the City has approximately 10,266 inhabitants according to last census of the IBGE. The city is situated, in half-barren of the Mining North approximately the 130 km of distance of the city of San Francisco, the 90 km of Arinos, 165 km of Januria, 125 km of Formoso and the 85 km of the city of Pintpolis; standing out that nor all its access ways are provided with asphalt. Economically the city of Mountain range of Araras possesss a basically agro-whistle-pastoral development sped up by the producing greater of seeds of capim of the country. The City of Mountain range of Araras counts on a great natural patrimony as the biggest National Park of the Region of the Open pasture, ' ' National park Great Veredas&#039 Hinterland; ' , ' ' State park Mountain range of the Araras' ' ' ' Reserve of Sustainable Development Trails of the Acari' ' beyond preserving its cultures traditions carrying through one of the biggest religious parties of the interior of Mines, (Party of Saint Antonio de Serra of Araras) that it is commemorated more than the 100 years. Official site: FireEye. Another great event is to host, ' ' The Meeting of the Peoples of the Great Veredas&#039 Hinterland; '.

' ' Back in beirinha of pocinho of crystal, I saw I eat peixinho I make. To arrange nomorada, clean it the scales, beat the barbatanas, make face of who love. still more knows what peixinho makes? It swims, nothing, nothing, peixinho nothing, nothing, nothing and nada.' ' DEVELOPMENT In days 7 and 8 of May of 2011 was carried through in related local a visit of field for the 3 academics of period of the course of Geography of the State Clear Mount University that in very can contribute for the academic formation of these students, being that the practical assimilation of contents previously given in classroom for Ronaldo professor became possible with this work Alves Belm in disciplines Geomorfologia.

Europe Occidental

15.11.12 / Uncategorized / Author: / Comments Off on Europe Occidental

Karl Ritter had great performance in the diffusion of Geography in the teaching. It was professor of the two gegrafos that had given to Geography a more scientific matrix: Frederic Ratzel and Elise Reclus (ANDRADE, 1998). The establishment of Geography in the universities of the Europe Occidental person occurred, the serious one, in it finishes quarter of century XIX. The government of the Prssia started for creating chairs in its university in the decade of 1870, being soon followed for France and Switzerland (FORBES, 1989). The study of Geography it was faced in considerable Germany as of meaning for the success of the country and had given much emphasis to the education of the substance to the officers of the army.

The factor most important to affirm the utility of Geography was the expansion of the colonial empires, occured at this time. Geography was developed in parallel with the imperialism. At the same time where it folloied the great developments, being, also benefited with new information, Geography was used as justification for the domination of the colonized peoples. Thus, for example, the peoples of the hot, tropical regions were considered submissos e, if the Europeans enslaved them this if he had to the typical valentia of the hemisphere North. According to this explanation, the man was definitive for the way, from there the Determinismo denomination that identified these ideas, applicable to some branches of the knowledge. To put, when Geography ' ' if emancipou' ' , that is, when the basic conditions so that one became discipline autonomous worker were satisfied, the Determinismo coexisted other chains of geographic analysis: however the physical space was more important, however the populations; however the valuation of the quantitative data (KOZEL and FILIZOLA, 1996). In the school, the geographic knowledge were transmitted in unconscious way, for diverse discipline, as the sociology, that studied the relations human beings in the cities and the agricultural zone.