15.09.14 / Uncategorized / Author:

(BRAZIL, 1998) 3,0 MOTOR DEVELOPMENT the child if finds in constant biopsicossocial development. In this phase of the life the physical changes, motor development, cognitiva learning and socialization exert influence between itself in all the trajectory of adaptation with the world. The contact with stimulatons becomes the more excellent biopsicossocial development, and its interaction with the organic, neurological and affective maturity, has primordial paper for the global development of the individual. According to Pink Grandson (2002), it is by means of the motor exploration that the child develops the same conscience of itself, as well as of the exterior world, thus standing out the importance of the motor activity for the global development of the child. The motor abilities also assist in the conquest of its independence, its games and its social, important adaptation in the construction of the basic slight knowledge for its intellectual development. Alterations in the motor development are perceived as a component that it intervenes with the biopsicossocial development of the individual. In accordance with Gallahue and Ozmun (2001), motor development is continues it alteration in the behavior throughout the cycle of the life, by means of the interaction, enters the necessities of the task, biology of the individual and conditions of the environment. Tani et al (1988), agrees to authors Gallahue and Ozmun (2001), when they affirm that motor development is a continuous and lasting process, that happens during all the life of the human being.

still adds that the sequence of the development is equal for all the children, being that what varies is only the progression speed. According to these authors, the domain order depends on the maturacional factor, whereas, the degree and the speed depend on the experiences and individual differences. Gallahue and Ozmun (2001), affirm that when human development is studied, must be considered the interrelation of the areas of the human behavior: cognitiva (intellectual behavior), affective (social-emotional behavior) and psicomotora (motor behavior).

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