Slvio Romero

29.07.12 / Uncategorized / Author:

In accordance with Oak Rock (2006), is basic to make with that the subject on the racial question is not reduced the sporadical studies or isolated didactic units. The action of the cultural industry, the pure and simple disinformation and the ideology are amplifying factors of the folclorizao. Meetings, them amalgam a circuit all by where the black and aboriginal culture is divulged in the medias of mass as dismissable product. The folclorizao empobrece the immense plurality of these cultures. In the education, when the understanding of the tradition of African matrix only to the historical dates of the black universe or to some portions of the moments lived for this group is restricted during the construction knowing of them that they had taken centuries to be erected, the error of the folclorizao is committed. In our history, you give to be rewrite from the new positions of the educators, governments and society, as it is the case of the Law 10,639 and others that are being argued for the parliament. The official education, the action politics and the social duty are repletos of folclorizao, both where the preconception load is counted to mounts. Abdias Birth (1978) says that the Brazilian educational system is used as equipment of control in this structure of cultural discrimination.

In all the levels of Brazilian education (basic and university) the cast of the taught substances, as it was executed what it had predicted the phrase of Slvio Romero: ' ' We have Africa in our kitchens, America in our forests, and Europe in our rooms of visitas' '. Constituting a ritual of the formality and the ostentation of the Europe, and, more recently, of the United States. If conscience is memory and future, when and where it is the African memory, it has left inalienable of the Brazilian conscience? Where and when the history of Africa, the development of its cultures and civilizations, the characteristics, of its people, had been or is taught in the Brazilian schools? When he has some reference to the African or black, is in the direction of the removal and the alienation of the black identity.

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