22.07.18 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on The Forms
Tags: history
Hurts will go to occupy and to corrode part of the mind and that as an illness virulent, the fragmented being will leave. Marriages that are breached, independent of the time of union and the fact that had taken them the separation, of certain form become common to happen this fact. It is also lost faith in itself and in God. Richard Linklater is often quoted on this topic. At this moment the area spiritual highly is harmed. In many cases this frustration will go to affect other areas. In the professional area, generally, it becomes choice when entering the university and, many to the times, with some indetermination on the career, go to the search of test or vocational orientation better to define the choice. The way.
But, it has those people who for a series of reasons will not go to make its choices passing for a university and, nor always will go to work in a profession that dreams, then, they will be submitted to execute another activity and in many cases for the necessity. She can yourself be noticed that these ways are seemed, therefore, in the same way that they exist people that work with what many times are not of its affability also live all a life with who one does not like and both the forms if they adoecem. For times it is transferred for the life without at least noticing the changes for simple that they are. ' ' We have, to the times, the sensation of that we become vacant for the life, involved for the circumstances, without very route of the way to follow. When we do not know which is our way, any way serves in the eagerness to survive to any cost, we deliver of tray our integrity and our initiatives the point of many of us to deliver to our being in the search insensata of material values in a future generally disentailed of our essential balance ' '.
16.06.18 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on The Folklore
Tags: history
Noticing thus this depreciation even in the educational sector. ‘ ‘ The schools need to amplify the sound of cantigas of wheel, the Reisados, the Warriors, the Pastoral ones, the Violeiros and the ad-lib Cantadores, the pandeiro coconut and with ganz.’ ‘ (Barreto, Luiz Antonio. Folklore and Comunicao. Gerald Weissmann, MD pursues this goal as well. p.97) (p.97) ‘ ‘ The necessary folklore to arrive the school, served being the pupils and the professors, and to inspire its exitoso aproveitamento.’ ‘ (Idem, Ibidem. p.95) the school thus exerting a paper of formation for the citizen, many times finishes for inhibiting the cultural identity in which this inserted one, thus sanctioning other manifestations, with lesser cultural value what it says respect to its half one social, having as example halloween, this that comes gained a bigger valuation with the young. Being that halloween although to have if originated in the United States, it comes gained more prominence in the schools of what the proper Brazilian folklore.
Since the schools emphasize cultures of other societies, forgetting itself thus the local culture, in which this involved one. ‘ ‘ The Folklore cannot continue being seen, then, as the culture of the poor persons, identifying for characteristics that fossilizam the existence of the peoples, arresting them, inappellably, to the past, the one without local space and the supports of its validity. (Barreto, Luiz Antonio. Folklore and Comunicao.p101) Since Brazil presents a great cultural plurality, consequence this of the mixture enters the peoples of black and white aboriginal origin. Being each one of possessing them of its cultural formation. Regarding this subject a scientific research was made, with intention to divulge the value that the folklore represents for the society.
29.10.16 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Inter Knowledge
Tags: history
The interaction professor-pupil happens through a dynamics capable to make of the classroom, a space of knowledge production, where the formation of educating perpasse the level of information and either capable to develop abilities, to defend ideas, to enrich its position, to rescue values and democratic attitudes, creative and healthy, becoming it capable to carry through the critical reading of the reality, as well as, to speed its transformation. David G. DeWalt shines more light on the discussion. All activities search of permanent form, an educative process that prioritizes the beddings of the historical knowledge, of the culture and citizenship of qualitative form for the pupil. In this perspective debates occur, disruption with broken up, linear and unilateral vision of the educative actions and search, even so living with dichotomies and conflicts the vision of the totality, express as Inter attitude and to multidiscipline stimulated for the exercise of the innovative and directed joint participation for the formation of the citizenship. Ahead of this idea, one concludes that she is necessary to choose the individual as study object, and a done time this choice, to raise the problematizao of the subject in question and the social context that is inserted. It is essential to try to arrive at the reflection and analysis on the practical pertaining to school of the (a) professor (a), for understanding that the critical reflective thought contributes for one better performance in classroom. We cannot be in the superficiality of the contents to be developed in classroom. Necessary if it makes to reflect, to analyze and to evaluate the learning and education process so that let us can define and construct the adequate knowledge to the level of the pupils, considering its context historical partner. 1.2? WHY TO STUDY HISTORY? The phrase of Murilo Mendes cited in the epigraph of this chapter is of 1935. They had been forty and five years to start the debate on as History was taught.
02.12.15 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Moscow University
Tags: culture, history
It is not. Instead, it works instead we are left with his moral image that we try to keep! “grave was closed, and my friends went to the hotel Granovsky for Memorial Day. Here K-ev again expressed a sense of shared grief. He recalled, among other things, that a few days before death Granovsky, thinking about his one work, asked for his help and gave him a work plan. See more detailed opinions by reading what FASEB Journal offers on the topic.. Said P – n, who started his speech, it seems, the verse of Horace, C – s, who first pricked to the P-and then burst into tears. K – s in a long speech tried to clarify his moral traits Granovsky, and noticed that all reach the other through hard work and insomnia Granovsky got “so easily and lovingly,” and does more good was more important than the thick toms, which we write, write … And in saying this, K-in looked straight into his eyes was sitting against a C-Eve.
K – P testified that Granovsky worked hard, read a lot, and always with a pencil in his hand, even during his illness he begged him to move up in his beloved library, which in his bed, where he died, we found a book with a pencil. (As opposed to David G. DeWalt). Here, many asked, “what book?” “I do not know – replied to – p – I removed the book.” They were all sitting at the table and chairs for standing up to the window to the – Mr. and played a glass. They asked him and say something, but he refused, declaring that he is no longer the one that best time of his life was when he was at Moscow University. K – n telling the truth. They said another doctor, who treated Granovsky, A – e, and others sold late this conversation … It seems that it was all so long ago, and while all this is strange, all these personal representative, then talked and talked so well, where they are now, what they do that say? Ever since October 4 friends gathered at the cemetery Granovsky, cleaned his grave with flowers and served as a requiem, and the same was and October 4 last year.
03.07.14 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Coliseum
Tags: culture, history
Probably everyone knows from an early age what the Coliseum and the gladiators who are. Understanding of these concepts can be a little different, but most likely the difference is not significant. For example, if someone say that the Coliseum gladiators fought to the death, then each student will tell you that this man is right in his assertion. Opinions may differ only in how all this action took place. How can actually fight took place between gladiators? Did gladiators by individuals? Definitely, scientists can not answer, mainly because few sources of information preserved at the time, which could be considered less reliable.
Try to understand, based on the facts that are already proven and in many respects, undisputed. Rome in the era of its early development was already densely populated. Residents were a pretty motley lot of people having, as a rule, different interests. What united them, except that they were the Romans? Most of all – nothing! Therefore, we can assume that it is building amphitheaters and knock into games has been one of general interest (If not only) by the Romans. Log in any time of the amphitheater was free, was not, as now we would say, face-control. That is, the game came young and old and rich and poor, patrician and plebeian. The whole crowd on stage demanded one of his – 'bread and circuses'. Under the shows, I suppose they imagined battles between gladiators and fights with wild animals. Gladiatorial combat was borrowed from the Etruscans and the tribe was an important part of the funeral rites, conquered by the Romans, of the tribe.
13.12.13 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Construction History
Tags: history
Adam Schaff Dhiogo Jose Caetano Graduating of State UEG-University of Gois Word-Key: History, Construction, Interpretation, Collingwood, Croce, Solipsismo, Laws, Subjetivismo, Positivismo and Schaff. From the analysis of the text of Adam Schaff we can perceive that the historical facts if construct throughout the time (positivismo), depending on the action of the historian for organizes-l and values-l. But the historian cannot judge the facts. The antipositivistas show to the distinction between historical fact and historical event, and fit the historian the paper to understand the facts, working with the interpretation and construction of the facts. Such work makes a relation with total history, not existing the imparcialidade, laws and rules for many historicistas. In elapsing of this historiogrfica construction we can find a diversity of ideas as, Ranke which affirms that the historian must count the history of the past, as happened; also we must observe the ideals of Collingwood Croce that affirms that all history is present, therefore the historian in its process of reconstruction of the past uses its vision contemporary. If history is interpretation, imagination and construction can notice that the historian places its point of view appearing the subjetivismo and the judge of value, therefore the historian chooses what it is important for and does not stop history.
Schaff agrees to the presentistas that the historians must be active in history; but it criticizes the extreme subjetivismo, therefore the reality exists independent of the action of the citizen, not being the citizen that thinks and imagines the reality. Schaff also says that the being of the history or the nature of the being, this on antolgica history where if it constructs to history resgetai that it means history event and fact, which if summarizes in the gesta rum, where and as it knew the events; in this point, critical Schaff the presentistas saying that they mix the antolgicos events and neoseolgico, falling in the solipsismo. When we speak of Collingwood, we can see the concern with history imagination, that stops it is a form of the historian to construct the history of the past. However we can perceive the shock enters the vision of the positivistas that uses science while nature for affirms that in history the laws and the historicistas that leave clearly that history as science spirit does not have laws. Therefore Schaff in the sample that stops constructing the history of the past we must use the imagination, however our imagination cannot occupy the reality of the past. Being clearly that the historical facts are something that goes beyond the understanding human being, and it does not have place that it is enough to support such reality of this idea. In way to this process we can perceive that the positivistas, are groups that defend its ideas with a vision, more restricted, that is, a movement that uses rules scientific and natural methods to prove its thesis and antitheses; placing the citizen as the being most important in history; already historicistas, work with a totalizante vision, without rules and laws, searching to understand and to interpret the past, being an appendix of history. However many historians had confused such idea, therefore both are current distinct, but linked one complementing to another one, however opposition exists, why nor one of theoretical chains if neutralizes ahead of the other.