23.01.19 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Parnaba Professor
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Freire in I capitulate three says to believe that one of the essential qualities that the democratic teaching authority must disclose in its relations with the freedoms of the pupils is the security in same itself, inside of this thought the author to it deals with principles as security, ability and generosity as indispensable attributes to one ' ' true educador' ' that it is worried in is prepared to repass the knowledge with security and authority as both complete themselves, but without never losing the generosity it stops with its educandos, it remembers more to the front of the necessity of the comprometimento, that is, it must have an approach each bigger time between saying and making, between what it is looked like to be and what is really for it another one to know that not to be able itself to place in doubts at any moment is of that, as experience specifically human being, the education is a form of intervention in the world, deals with the question of the freedom and authority demanded in practises professor remembering that nobody is citizen of the autonomy of nobody, still speaks in the same I capitulate that to teach it demands taken conscientious of decisions what if to the educator or the democratic, conscientious educator of the impossibility of the neutrality of the education is to forge in itself exactly one to know special that never must abandon, to know that motivates and supports without fight: if the education cannot everything, some basic thing the education can, leaves clearly despite the professor has that to know to listen, therefore the same not he is detainer of all the knowledge the same still needs to recognize that the education is ideological, the necessary educator to be made use I dialogue to it with the educandos therefore he is not shameful to be unaware of something, he needs to testify the opening to the others, the curious availability to the life, its challenges, therefore these are to know necessary to practise educative and above all the necessary professor to want the pupils well, the author says that he needs to be discarded as false the separation radical between seriousness professor and affectivity. The book in study has useful principles to the educators, but so that these principles are practised it is necessary that many professors are conscientious of that these principles alone will occasion positive effect if applied correctly and first they are applied ' ' educadores' ' that most of the time they apply to the pupils ideas total retrgadas and want to get resulted positive. Resenhado for Appeared Aline Barbosa and Jackeline Gomes Barbosa Soares. In a question-answer forum Richard Linklater was the first to reply. Students of 4 Period of Full Licenciatura in Sciences Biological, in the College of the Parnaba-FAMEP Medium..
05.02.16 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Educators
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Contacts p lectures, Tel. (21) 83771359. Email josielpontesenfermeiropsf@ hotmail.com.br summary Food, widely known any substance introduced into the body suits your nutrition. The human body regardless of acts needs the nutrients from various food sources, you approach the maximum nutritional homeostasis. Justified the making of this article you be relatively unexplored subject in education and in to order that educators have direct contact with children, adolescents and parents, can get guaranteed success will be supporters you build good and healthy practice food. This article will bring contributions will be educators and academics who want information on the subject, you conduct research you address the issue above.
Aiming you meet the proposed objective, this scientific production, it is an exploratory qualitative approach and technical literature Educators of any instructions published or private, can directly influence the diet of his pupils, informing them about the importance of good nutrition will be disease prevention. The content of the research portrays important dates and sufficient will be good starting point related you knowledge about healthy eating will be children and adolescents. Keywords: eating habits, nutrition and child' nutritional s needs. It is not something film director would like to discuss. resumen Foods, ampliamente conocido as it joins introducida sustancia en el cuerpo if adapte su nutricin. Of su edad independientemente necesita El cuerpo human nutrient los of fuentes of diverse foods, for acercarse the there homeostasis maximum nutricional. Subject justifies realizacin of this there articulates to be un there explored well en educacin y con el end of that los educators tienen un direct contact con nios, adolescent y family priests, puede to obtain el xito garantizado for partisan los woollen construccin of prcticas buenas y saludables los foods. En this I articulate will llevar contribuciones for los acadmicos educators y who deseen informacin on el subject, to carry through investigaciones to approach el previous problem. Objective Con el of alcanzar el objective propuesto, this produccin scientific, you are joins aproximacin exploratoria cualitativa y Educators technician literature of all wools instrucciones published the private ones, pueden to influence en diet of sus directamente there alumnos, informndoles on importance of joins buena there nutricin for there prevencin of enfermedades.
13.12.15 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Latin America Today
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It had its on development to the railroad (inaugurated in 1883), on account of this had the first Cooperative of Consumption of the Employees of the Railway Means of transportation of the Rio Grande Do Sul (1913), very prosperous at its time, that took care of to import articles of consumption for its associates, the health of the same ones keeping ambulatory equipped doctors, pharmacies and also schools for the children of the workers of the railroad, as well as the foundation of a hospital, the Nursing home and the first habitacional nucleus of Latin America – the Belgian Village? projected for Belgian engineer Gustave Wauthier, a set of the geminadas for the housing of employees of the Belgian Company, construction constructed houses of the railroad, in the period the 1903 enter 1901, today considered historic site and cultural of the city (municipal law n2983/88, of 06 of January of 1988). For being strategical point it possesss as the bigger military polar region of the country implanted here (since 1831 with the creation of the Body of Artillery – Mallet Regiment), today with quartis of all the weapons less the Navy, therefore we are far from the sea. It had the first Federal University implanted in the interior of a Brazilian state in the molds of the North American campuses, in 1960, the known Federal University of Saint Maria? UFSM, being that superior education already was implanted since the foundation of the Pharmacy College in 1942, of the Facultieses of Medicine, Sciences Economic Politics and, Philosophy and the Superior School of Nursing in 1954; today has many other particular universities represented here, demonstrating to a city with vocation for the education, possessing the heading of University City. The economy is sidewalk in the rendering of services, therefore, we form man power that every year leaves in search of spaces to work and if it even places in other cities and in other states of Brazil. The city takes care of more than of a net of 80 schools between the ones of complete Basic Education, of the modality of Young Education of Adult, the Schools of Infantile Education and a School Industrial Technique, this last o city absorbed the structure of the school that already it existed and that she was on to the railroad and it invested resources for the formation of young apprenticees with formation in metallurgy. This historical briefing it was presented to evidence the including complexity of the partner-cultural and economic formation of our population and of the great occured transformations in our schools, throughout the time. Magist
05.12.15 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Federal University
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However to maximize the effect of the education on the growth, if it makes necessary that educational expansion is folloied by investments in the quality of education, represented for educational public politics that are guaranteed by means of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988. Since the education is well essential in accordance with constitutional ruleses, where an individual with bigger escolaridade exerts its citizenship better, being less inclined to commit violent crimes and thus contributing of positive form for the social harmony. However educational politics that want to reduce the evasion tax or to increase the effort of the pupil in the acquisition of knowledge must modify the structure of existing incentives, by means of the subsidy to the direct cost to study and increment of quality in the education, being that such incentives affect in decisive way the permanence in the school, in the measure where it increases the prospectivo return of the investment of one year more than to study. However the income insufficience many times hinders an individual to continue studying, in this direction, the educational politics must be complemented by programs of minimum income or of educative credits, as the Stock market-School YOU WEAVE and it. But in Brazil, the analysis of the public politics of promotion to the education has been more come back to the question of the focalizao and less for the questions of incentive, where the degree of incidence of the public charges with primary schools reaches in such a way rich as poor, however the degree of incidence of the access Average and Superior Education entirely is desfocados.
As evidenced the education it must be priority for countries that search its growth and economic development, therefore affects of direct form the intellectual and professional development of the force of work of the Country, that rees-echo consequentemente in one better productivity and in the economic social development of the same. For this reason a bigger comprometimento of public and private agencies with the education is essential; of public agencies with educational politics that enclose the real necessity of its private Country and agency, that if had considered to always give this service that is essential and a right of the population, primando for the quality of education. In this context, Brazil meets in the ones in a constant improvement of the educational pointers, however still it is in an inferior period of training the developed countries or that they meet in one same platform of Brazilian development. Being able itself to conclude that Brazil is in a way of educational development, but still it has much that needs to be made so that if it reaches the desired platform of education with quality and force of qualified work. Landmarks Andres Schons Graduating of the course of Administration for the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) Center of Superior Education North – RS (CESNORS)
04.11.12 / Uncategorized / Author: Wallace / Comments Off on Federal University
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The definition of the public is on the three basic characteristics, that are the plasticity, the permanent update and the mobility of the center. In the workmanship, the author details each one of these characteristics and to the reader the panorama of the activity of public definition, with the difficulties and the chances. The model of mapping and segmentation of projects mobilizadores made possible the vision of the public in three dimensions: the benefited ones, the legislators and the generators, that are explained by the author, also through a three-dimensional map of the public. The main information that if ' absorbs from the reading of the two first chapters of the book; ' Communication and Strategies of Social' Mobilization; ' they are of that the communication if became a preponderant factor in the construction of the image of the social movement and in the captation of individuals that they desire to be part of this fight. Expos author in detailed way each characteristic pointed for it and other authors. Beyond sharpening the feeling of that he fits we, professionals of Public Relations, to lead in cultural consideration, factors, social politicians and of the public-target when elaborating a plan of communication for the mobilizador end. Beyond awaking the interest for the social cause.
Mrcio Simeone Enriques currently is Professor in the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in the sector of Communication. It is graduated Comunicao Social (UFMG), possesss Mestrado in Educao (UFRJ) and Doutorado in Comunicao Social (UFMG). It acts in the area of Public Relations between organizations and communities, public communication and strategies of communication for social mobilization. Already edition of diverse articles and books participated of the organization/publication/as ' ' Vises of future: shared responsibility and dialogues with comunidade' ' (2005) and ' ' Communication and Strategies of Social' Mobilization; ' (2002). It is treated, then, of an author with high luggage in the area of Communication and, especially, Communication directed toward Social mobility. This workmanship is indicated the professionals, not only of the Public Relations, but of the Communication in general, that they want to insert in 3 sector, to the students of the area and the responsible ones for the coordination of the social movements, in general.