
25.02.14 / Uncategorized / Author:

yConoces your students? yHas walked hand in the paths of their dreams? yTe found when knocked on your door, urged by despair, or driven by the longing to share their difficulties with someone? YLE said yes when I asked for some time to pour into his life some of your wisdom or your infinite capacity to give affection? yReconoces it a transit passenger to glory or consider one more in the long procession of men without hope is directed toward the horizon hopelessly confused of anonymity? yConsideras your work as a challenge to your ability every day makes the master or judge as a freak accident in your life? yDisfrutas with questions that can not find an answer or feel frustrated when you feel that those people who intend to teach can learn more than you? Yves in each event in the history an opportunity to learn and to teach a lesson? yTomas all eyes reading teacher and read while you think about way they apply to your students? yAnoras your everyday space of the classroom, laboratory and class when you're dedicated to other tasks? yEstarias willing to decline any tempting offer if it meant you give your disciples? andis ready to build new worlds each day where love of neighbor is not a fantasy and the welfare of the people are not just imaginary? and devise in the human race and its infinite potential to improve and close to perfection? your and your faith is enough to believe you can construct seemingly impossible worlds where love prevails over hatred, the bitterness and affection on the appreciation of the resentment? yHas thought if your hands and in your classes all the power of transformation that has been wanting for years and which held accountable to others? yTe like wrinkled face who tells you without words that have not yet grasped what you say? yTe glad when you confronted? yTe feel grateful to you who says error? yFelicitas with enthusiasm and caution wisely? yValoras the friendship of those who differ from your opinions? andis willing to go the dark world of ignorance to arrive at the port clear of wisdom? yVibras with your classes? yAprendes twice what you teach? yTe deliveries wholly and unreservedly in every act of teaching? yTe feel privileged to transform naive innocent minds and hearts at extraordinary beings willing to write their own history in golden pages? measured yHas your fortune in all the knowledge you have discovered and shared with others? yTe feel grateful to God and life constituirte an architect of the most important events of your space and your time? andis convinced that yours, good teacher is the best profession in the world? BY: ALEJANDRO MARTiNEZ RUTTO.

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